Girl Meets Boy

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Jake tilted his head as Farkle and Vanessa walked into the classroom, looking at an article on Farkle's phone. "Whatcha looking at?" Jake asked looking over their shoulders since he was taller than both of them. "Hit The Road. It's Nessa's favorite site, she doesn't have a phone so we read it together on mine." Farkle explained before reading a word off the screen after Vanessa tugged on his sleeve.

"I've always wanted to travel, but mom is always working hard to keep a roof over our head so I don't want to push it." Vanessa explained with a shrug taking the phone out of Farkle's hand to look at the picture.

"He must have waited til golden hour to take this I mean Shawn Hunter is a genius when it comes to photography!" The blonde exclaimed showing the two boys the photo that causing them to stare blankly at her.

"Golden hour, middle of sunrise or middle sunset." She explained before rolling her eyes and taking her seat when the bell rang, handing the phone back to her best friend. Farkle and Jake shared a fond look with one another before heading to their seats as well.


"You guys don't connect with each other. It's like you can't exist without these. You use emoticons rather than emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies." Cory lectured causing Maya and Riley to pretend to eat each other making Vanessa giggle.

"Stop eating her." At that moment Myzell walked into the classroom, late. "You're late, Miss Myzell." The history teacher pointed out while the class remained silent. "My goldfish died." Myzell said flatly looking at Cory blankly.

"You see? This is what I'm talking about. Miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss. Yet, she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions!" Cory said putting an arm over the girls shoulder. Myzell rolled her eyes at the teacher's statement.

"Excuse me? I am crying my eyes out. I'm gonna have to leave class early." Vanessa's classmate said before walking out of the classroom. "Oh, she actually made it out the door this time."  Cory smiled before opening the door, his student walking back in.

"I actually made it out the door this time!" Myzell said happily before going to her seat as Vanessa giggled. "Dad, adjust and deal. Cell phones have been around for, like, ever." Riley protested making Vanessa blink and look at one of her best friends in confusion.

"It'll amaze you to know that there was a whole world before you and cell phones." Cory argued, Vanessa nodded in agreement. She nor Maya had smart phones, so they were used to not being able to do what everyone does. They were okay with their phones, it let them keep in contact with their friends, each other, and all of the adults in their life.

"And it'll amaze you to know that I have 394 friends in here."

"And I'm amazed that you believe that." Vanessa cut in getting a look from the girl one that said 'You're supposed to be on my side.' The blonde only shrugged scribbling on her paper, she agreed with Matthews on this one. Partly.

Cory walked over to the chalkboard drawing a line across it. "This is a timeline of all human existence. Starting here..." Pointing at the start of the line. "is everyone who ever lived, laughed, loved, and understood the value of life. The cellphone era, which begins right around here..." Drawing a line towards the end of the line.

"Pretty much destroys all of that. Way to go, you." Cory states pointing at the class. The younger Hart twin pouted at the man who sent her a sympathetic smile. 

"Mr. Matthews, cell phones allow people to connect in ways that wasn't available before. There are now groups that bring people who share the same likes together, websites that can be used to talk about things to people who have gone through the same things, people are connected and it's easier because sometimes talking to someone you don't know personally can give you better advise then someone biased, so how could you say that we've destroyed something in the past when we are moving towards the future." Vanessa ranted before blushing under everyone's gaze.

"Excellent point which is why you and Jake will argue for it." Jake looked away from where he was staring at the blonde in awe. "Wait what?" The older Friar twin asked looking at the teacher.

"Okay, so here's what we're going to do, guys. We're going to split into teams and discover whether or not new technology has made us better people. You'll do presentations on your findings. And here's a twist. No computers. Jake and Vanessa you will be doing the opposite, prove to me that technology hasn't ruined the past, show me that despite how advanced we are, the past and the future connect." Cory said with a meaningful look towards the younger blonde who sat up straighter.

"Yes sir." The two said at the same time.


"What are we doing?" Jake asked the blonde who rubbed her hands together. "You know the guy who writes Hit The Road?" Vanessa asked as they sat down at a table in the Nighthawk Diner after greeting her mother who was working a shift tonight. Jake nodded slowly.

"Well he has an older brother, and he agreed to meet up with us." Jake looked at the girl in shock. "Here?" Jake questioned, looking around the diner. He just noticed how there was ironically more male staff out front today, and the few females who were up front had their phones in easy access.

A blonde who looked a lot like the Hart twins was behind the counter watching with a fierce protective fire in her eyes.  "Jake, Vanessa?" A man asked approaching the table, he glanced around the diner with an approving smile. 



"Jake, Vanessa, your presentation." Cory said allowing the two of them to walk to the front of the class. "I love a sight called Hit The Road, and I've always wanted to know the man who wrote it, so image my surprise when I found out that my teacher knew my Idol." Vanessa started looking at the teacher who nodded with a soft smile

"So we searched up Hunter, and we came across four names, Shawn, Chet, Virna, and Jack. Chet and Virna have passed away, but we were able to contact Jack." Jake continued which surprised Cory. Even he doesn't know what happened to Jack after college.

"We met at the diner my mom works at, to be safe. And we sat and we talked, he brought photos from when he was college and we showed pictures from Jake's phone." Vanessa started with a soft smile. "We asked some deep questions, some that were difficult for us to answer, and some goofy ones that we found online." Jake continued, not noticing the proud look sent to him by his own twin.

"Jack is a great man, who isn't proud of himself because of his past and what is future may be, he regrets not having the resources he has now to check up on his brother." Vanessa continued where the male had left off. 

"Jack and his brother haven't spoken in years, but Jack he has every article his younger brother has written printed out and hanging on the wall in his house, because now he has a way to connect to his brother without having to pick up the phone." Jake said, glancing at Lucas, while Vanessa looked at Maya. They never wanted to imagine a life without them.

"And he admitted he was scared to call, but as long as he knows that his brother is safe and okay, then he's okay." Vanessa said, smiling at her three best friends, who smiled back proudly at the girl.

"In ten years that could be us, afraid to call someone we love, but as long as we have technology, then at least we know they are okay." Jake admitted sadly, he never wanted to fall out of contact with Lucas, they were each others life line.

"We both have siblings and we couldn't imagine what Jack is going through, but when he was younger and saw his brother for the first time it was more like strangers meeting for the first time, now if he ever finds the strength to call his brother, at least now he knows what to talk about." Vanessa finished off, smiling when both Riley and Maya stood up to hug her. Yeah, Riley is her sister, even if it's not through blood.

"Well miss. Hart. I believe that you just earned your first A in my class." Cory said, immensely proud of the girl whose eyes widened before smiling widely. Accepting the strong hug that Farkle gave her. She couldn't wait to tell her mom as well as mama and Papa Minkus.

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