Girl Meets Sneak Attack

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The trio stood outside waiting for them to be buzzed in.

"Are we gonna talk about you and Jake?" Maya asked her twin who rolled her eyes leaning on Farkle, she had spent the night at her moms last night and the older blonde had been bugging Vanessa about the boy since then.

"The is no me and Jake. There is me then there is Jake, nothing together. Would I like there to be? Slowly but yes, I would like that." Vanessa explained for what felt like the 100th time in the last two days. Farkle sighed, wrapping an arm around his best friend, they shouldn't be pushing her.


"Are we gonna talk about you and Vanessa?" Lucas asked Jake as the brunette packed his bag.  "Are we gonna talk about you and Riley?" Jake shot back before they both walked out of the house together.

Lucas rolled his eyes as they walked towards their school. "She's nice and I like her, I just don't know if it's how she wants me to like her." The blonde said making Jake nod in understanding.

"I like her, she's not like anyone I've ever met and everyday I learn something new about her, which makes me like her more." Jake explained running a hand through his hair with a shrug. "Then tell her." Farkle said appearing in front of them making the two Friar's jump while the Minkus rolled his eyes.

"What?" The brunette asked making the genius sigh. "Nessa is dense, she won't think you like her unless you tell her, after all, she likes you too." Farkle explained, Stewart and Jennifer had gotten Vanessa a phone after last weeks assignment, and the two best friends had spent a while talking about her feelings for Jake.

Jake remained silent letting the genius drag him to class where the blonde gave him a hesitant smile, before they took their seats. Lucas walked in with Missy making Vanessa flinch while Farkle glared. Farkle was normally nice to pretty much everyone, but Missy has always had some vendetta against Vanessa which made the boy dislike her. 


"Sneak attack. December 7th, 1941." Cory said, today's topic was Pearl Harbor and Vanessa already knew how this was going to apply to their lives, with a simple glace across the room. "A date which will live in infamy." Farkle and Vanessa said at the same time before smiling at each other, the younger blonde spent time reading ahead when with the Minkus family.

"A date? They're going on a date? In Italy?" Riley asked looking at Lucas and Missy, getting a weird look from Jake.  "No, honey. You're in History." Maya tried to comfort her best friend, placing a hand on the brunettes shoulder. 

"I'm history?" The brunette asked, Jake glanced at the younger Hart twin who shrugged, she honestly couldn't explain what's going on in her head. "Okay, put your hand up." Vanessa said as Maya raised Riley's arm up, getting Cory's attention.

"Yes, Riley? You have a pertinent observation on the subject of the sneak attack?" The father of two asked his distraught daughter."'May I be excused?'" The older Hart twin said for her best friend after lowering the brunettes arm, Vanessa winced reaching out to pat her back. "My eyes see my shoes." Riley said in confusion.

Cory sent a confused look towards the blonde twins who looked towards Lucas and Missy. "Yes, Riley, you may be excused." The teacher conceded with a sigh. Riley looked up at her father hopefully. "Forever?" The brunette asked, not seeing the disbelieving look the younger blonde was giving her.

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