Girl Meets Father

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"Ladies." Farkle greeted as he and Vanessa walked over to Riley and Maya. Vanessa hugged her twin and Riley before going back to Farkle's side, Maya and Riley sent the girl a soft smile. "Farkle." Maya and Riley said together, they were used to it at this point it no longer affected them.

"School dance. I'm gonna put you both down for Dance Numbers two through all of them. We will alternate. You and me, me and you. When you're not dancing with me, you may not dance with anyone else. So you may sit and wait until you dance with me again." Farkle said with a large smile. "As always, Nessa gets the first dance." 

Vanessa beamed placing a quick kiss to the boys cheek, before skipping into the classroom.



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"Friars! Farkle! Twins! You!" Cory greeted the students, practically hissing at his daughter. The Hart twins shared a confused look with one another as they took their seats. "Dad, I..."

"Ferp." Cory cut her off using his hand to make a motion for shutting your mouth. "Okay." Riley sighed before taking her seat. "Well, guys. I've got your test results on Darwin to give back to you, and uh, I'm pleased to see some of you have "evolved" since the last quiz." Mr. Matthews said and pausing as if waiting for laughter.


"Thank you Farkle." Cory said pleased that someone had laughed. "You were drowning sir." Farkle replied making Vanessa giggle at her best friend. "Ms. Hart, Ms. Hart." The twins shared a look as he handed them their papers. They were never referred to separately in this class by their last name. Cory always called them twins or by their first names.

Vanessa's eyes widened when she saw her grade, quickly flipping it over and placing it face down. Apparently not fast enough as Maya had seen it. Vanessa zoned out until she saw her twins hand in the air. "Yes Ms. Hart."

"You failed us." Maya said strongly, Vanessa looked down at her desk when she felt her best friends eyes on her. Farkle had stayed up for hours to help her study and she had failed.  "Why don't we talk after class?" Cory said glancing around the classroom.

"What's there to talk about? You failed us." Maya stood up and walked to her twin who had tears in her eyes, and helped her stand up as well. "You think we're failure's." The older Hart twin grabbed both tests and handing them back to the teacher. "There's nothing more for you to teach me." Maya continued, Vanessa nodded slowly, grabbing her twins hand.  

"I guess there isn't." Vanessa said quietly, but with the silence of the classroom, her words seemed to echo. "Oh, come on. All three of you gotta say that?" Cory questions, looking at the twins then Riley. The twins glance at Riley before beginning to walk out. 

"What? You mean I lost all three of you? Maya, Vanessa!" The twins stopped at the door and glanced back at the man. "You do not walk out of here." Maya and Vanessa glance at each other before continuing their exit. 

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