Girl Meets Smackle

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(So, I decided on two episodes that I am defiantly skipping for season one. GM World of Terror, and GM Fish. I already skipped GM Popular, but I've never been the biggest fans of those episodes so I decided to skip them.)



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"Ancient Greece." Cory said while holding a colorful present, Vanessa perked up. She loved learning about Greece, it was one of the places she wanted to visit when she was older. It was one of the only things she could keep in her head. "What that? What that that?" Riley questioned her father pointing to the box in his hands.

"What thi-this?" The teacher repeated pointing to the box. "This is a present." Cory said proudly, Vanessa seemed to get even more excited, seemingly knowing what the lesson is. "Is it for me?" Riley asked happily, distracted by the colors on the box. "What's your game Matthews?" Maya inquired with narrowed eyes.

"Game? I mean no game. I just want to know who here wants this present." Mr. Matthews said and everyone except the Hart twins raised their hands happily. "Oh, Maya, Vanessa, what? You assume by playing hard to get, I'm gonna give it to one of you?" The teacher said, Vanessa shook her head, making hooves with her hands by her desk making the teacher give a small nod and a proud smile at the girl.

"Well, yes. That's one of the many arrows in my quiver." Maya said waving a hand making Farkle shudder getting weird looks from everyone in the room. "Medieval talk-- What are you doing to me, woman?" The child genius said, Vanessa giggled at her best friend before turning to the front.

"Riley." Cory said placing the box on her desk. "Yay!" Riley said happily flipping the lid and pulling a small chalkboard out. "The Trojan horse?" The brunette read out loud in disbelief while Vanessa danced a little in her seat, missing the fond looks her friends and teacher sent her.

"Surprise." Cory said playfully holding out his arms. "This isn't a present. This is one of your life lessons wrapped up in a class lesson wrapped up in a box of nothing." Riley ranted angrily as the Hart twins look at her in concern. "How you doing, honey?" Vanessa asked softly looking between the father and daughter. 

"I'm all worked up." She told the younger blonde who nodded sympathetically despite being happy about the lesson. "We know." Maya said as Riley placed the board back in the box. "Ms. Hart, the floor is yours." Cory said making Vanessa look at him with wide eyes before she squealed and stood up. The teacher always tried to get the younger Hart to participate more, it was one of the reasons he chose this lesson, Vanessa always brightened up when it came to ancient Greece or ancient Rome.

"You assumed because it was all neat and pretty that something good was inside. Ancient Troy was protected by walls. The Greeks couldn't get in, so they built a big wooden horse and left it behind. What do you think the Trojans did?" Vanessa began, her normal nerves when speaking to the class gone. Farkle watched his best friend, pride filling his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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