{Authors Note}

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Hi all!

Thank you so much for reading my original OC Arya. As someone who loves creating OC's in universes and giving them detailed stories Arya is the one I am most proud of by far. Her story is one that is really important to me, and I hope you all love or, or grow to love her as much as I do!

If you liked it please feel free to give me likes, comments, or constructive feedback! I am well aware my grammar isn't all the way there but I promise you it's come along way from when I first started writing!

This book in my own opinion is the slowest and most boring. A lot of it is backstory and set's up Arya's personal journey to come.

So if you liked my writing, or Arya, or her story. Please head on over to book two and those that follow!

One last time, thank you all so much for reading! Likes and Comments help me a lot! And I hope every single one of you is doing well and getting through these hard times as best as we can!

— Lots of love. Nicole5737 :)

Hope & Betrayal // [Percy Jackson OC] // Book 1Where stories live. Discover now