{Chapter Seven}

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"Cause I've been so good, I've been working my ass off/ I've been so good still I'm lonely and stressed out
I've been so good/ I've been so good this year"
- Karma (AJR)


ARYA GAVE HERSELF the rest of the day off, to relax and have fun with the people she called her friends.

The older campers, and her sat around the campfire long after the other campers were sent back to their cabins. They talked into the deep hours of the night about anything and everything. Including the impending war, to which they were all in agreeance that they believed Percy would be able to return the bolt before the summer solstice. Arya couldn't tell if they were just saying that to make her feel better, or because they actually meant it, but to give her peace of mind she assumed the latter. The more people who believed in Percy the better.

The campfire is also where she found out that during her two days of isolation that the other campers, the ones who still cared about what their godly parent thought of them, had started to pick sides and become more hostile towards each other. The Athena Cabin had sided with Zeus, along with the Hephaestus cabin. Yet, everyone else had seemed to side with Poseidon. The older campers tried to stop it. but as the days passed it became more inevitable and the councilors were the only ones who saw sense. They would attempt to convince the campers that the argument was needless and stupid, but most of them were so blinded by the stress of everything that they were unable to be talked down.

This was the main topic of conversation throughout the night, until Dionysus came out and yelled at all of them that they needed to go to bed before he turned them into a vine and added them into the strawberry fields.

From there the group quickly dispersed.

Before dawn the next morning. Arya was already knee deep in the lake. Going through everything she had been taught over the years. She was at it for hours before the centaur made his way to the bank of the lake, almost surprised to see the girl there, water dome surrounding her, her eyes closed. It looked as if she way meditating.

Chiron started their lessons by informing her about the traveling Trio's archway/chimera incident. The last he had heard was that they were on a train to Denver. Arya could feel herself visibly relax when he told her that they had gotten out safely on a train and were making good progress to LA. But Arya would bet good money the chimera won't be there last monster encounter.

That morning, Arya's training lasted for about two hours, which was about 1 ½ hours longer than their normal sessions, Arya hadn't gotten frustrated and storm out like normal. Arya complete more in those two hours than she had in years.

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