{Chapter Six}

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"When it pulls me under/ Will you make me stronger
Will you be my breath through the deep deep water"
- Deep Water (American Authors)



DESPITE THE HEAVINESS, the grief, the guilt, the hatred, that Arya felt, she was there with a fake smile plastered on her face at the edge of camp to see Percy off on his quest to the Underworld.

She was constantly asking, making sure they had everything. She knew that some of his old friends in the Hermes cabin stole him some extra clothes and necessities from the store. Chiron outfitted Percy with a book bag, filled with mortal money and drachmas. Arya thought through everything he could need and even she had to admit Percy seemed well equipped.

that was until she realized that he didn't have a weapon. Something in her head light up like a lightbulb and Arya's eyes went wide. The first ounce of positive emotion she felt in the last sixteen hours.

"Hold on, I have to go get you something! Don't leave until I come back!" She called as she started running to the cabin. Her legs carrying her as fast as her body would let them.

Once she reached the cabin she frantically searched for the weapon she was looking for, however, it was concealed, and she rarely ever used it so she couldn't remember where she put it when Chiron gave it back to her.

She practically flipped over her mattress, and tore apart her sheets. She looked under her bed, and when it wasn't there, she turned to her desk and the gleam of silver caught her eyes.

"Ah ha!" She said running over and grabbing the pen. Percy must have put in there thinking it was a normal pen when they were cleaning up. To be sure she took off the cap and watched as the small ballpoint pen, extended into an incredibly well balanced celestial bronze sword.

She spun it around in her hand once examining it. Recalling the day when she was first given the sword. She had uncapped the pen and practically stabbed herself as well as ripped open her mattress. She tried to train with it for a while, and while it felt much better in her hands than a regular sword. But even an untrained idiot could tell that Arya wasn't much of a sword fighter. She much preferred spears. So the sword was kept away until Chiron asked for it months ago, to take with him while he went undercover as Percy's teacher.

She put the cap back on the pen and watched it shrink back down to its normal pen size before barreling out her door and back up to the top of the hill. She slowed when she saw Luke making his way down the hill from saying goodbye to the trio.

Hope & Betrayal // [Percy Jackson OC] // Book 1Where stories live. Discover now