{Chapter One}

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"I just want to be somebody to someone oh/ I just want to be somebody to someone oh
I've never had no body and no road home/ I just wanna be somebody to someone oh"
-Someone To You (BANNERS)



    LUKE AND ARYA were on a walk, talking about what the coolest places to travel would be, a rather common conversation between the two, when they heard the unmistakable noise of a monster roar on the other side of camp. Both of them paused, opening there ears to try and listen more closely, making sure they had heard the roar they thought they did. This time, they didn't hear a roar but human screams, and that's when the two shared a worried glance and started running to Thalia's tree, where the noises of battle were coming from.

It took a while, as the two had been on the opposite side of camp. Luke arrived first, being a child of Hermes, he was much faster on foot than Arya. But Annabeth had apparently been there before either of the older kids.

It didn't much matter who had arrived when though, it was too late to do anything. What Arya saw, caused her a little bit of deja vu. A boy, to Aryas guess, about 12, was passed out meters over the borderline, Grover, the small satyr, right next to him. Both sweaty and dirty, tears in there clothes, blood splattered in seemingly random places.

    The two definitely looked like they had been in battle, but when Arya looked out past the boarder, there was no monster in sight. Clearly, Arya had missed something. She looked back to the passed out boys, the whole scene reminded her of the night Luke and Annabeth came to camp. The night Thalia's tree came to life. A memory she wanted so desperately to keep at bay.

    "What happened?" Arya asked out loud, command in her voice, needing something to distract her from her own memories.

    Arya looked over at Annabeth who,seemingly, had not heard her, all Annabeth was doing was staring at the boy in awe. So Arya shifted her glance to Chiron who had also been on the scene, but the sollem look on the centaurs face, told Arya that nothing good had just happened.

    "This is the half-blood I've been with all year" Chrion said, nodding to the boy, his eyes meeting Arya's green ones.

    Normally, all Arya could see in Chiron eyes were kindness, honesty, and the centuries of wisdom they held, but tonight it was something different. Tonight, when Arya met his eyes, they seem to hold a secret, a dark one. It was as if he knew something she didn't. Something important. This struck Arya as odd, but before she could dig any deeper into it she was pulled into a different conversation.

"He's the one" Annabeth breathed out causing Arya's eyes to tear away from Chiron and over to the curly blonde, she watched as Annabeth kneeled next to the boy. "He must be"

Hope & Betrayal // [Percy Jackson OC] // Book 1Where stories live. Discover now