Chapter 2: Something's Chasing Me

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Gurador has clearly been waiting for this moment, as he already has a room set up. He smugly leads us down the long hallway and into a spacious conference room. It's as opulent and old as all the other places in the Temple, with the same Templar black-and-white trimmings but warmed with accents of gold and red.

Scattered about the room are four small antique worktables and a handful of leather chairs and sofas that perfectly complement its cozy library feel. The room smells of old books, and herbs burning in the fireplace.

Gurador pulls out a red velvet chair at the small table in the center of the room. "Agatha, you're here. I'll gather everyone else."

I sit and glance over at Lenox, who's standing uncomfortably in the corner. I regret not taking an extra minute to lock him outside before charging down to the Temple.

"Should I get him out of here?" I ask.

"No, he's fine. We'll get someone to take him back," Gurador says, surprisingly patient. He places a small candlestick in front of me. "You can put the Orb on this."

I do, and then Master Sarpedon slithers over and faces me across the table. Everything gets quiet. "Let us have a look. Agatha, peer into the Orb and tell me if you see anything."

I can't stare for long because the light from the Orb is so bright it makes my eyes sting and water. I look back up at Sarpedon and shut them without a word.

"Gurador, lower the lights. It may be easier for her if it is not so bright in here."

The room dims, and the eerie blue shadows cast by the Orb are back.

"I've reached Prince Dathid," Gurador announces, holding out the pareixer.

I look over and see Dathid sitting shirtless on the side of a flowery hammock, looking shockingly handsome and disheveled. We obviously woke him up. On his chest, starting where his neck and shoulder meet and extending halfway down his ribcage is a long ugly scar. How'd he get that?

Sarpedon gives Gurador a nod as he passes over the pareixer.

"Master," Dathid says with concern.

Someone obviously stabbed him in the neck. He's a soldier. That's probably what happens in battle. I may experience something like that firsthand soon. I stare at the scar for only a moment longer and force my mind away from thoughts of war. I hope he turns around because I really want to see how his wings attach to his body.

"The Orb is speaking," Sarpedon says.

Dathid runs his fingers through his long, messy hair. Does the pareixer have a speakerphone, or are Master Sarpedon and I the only ones who can see him? "What's it saying?"

Sarpedon looks at me. "Nothing. It's just glowing," I say, feeling stupid for not being able to see more.

Sarpedon shrugs. "We are working with her. When will you be able to be here?"

"I'm on my way."

They wrap up their conversation, but before I can start again Kyrbast bursts in. "What'd I miss?" It's more of an announcement than a question.

He doesn't wait for an answer because he spots Lenox to his left. It's a rather funny exchange because they both eye each other up and down like neither of them have seen such an odd creature. Kyrbast loses interest before Lenox, who watches him closely as Kyrbast crosses the room and plops down in front of me.

He folds his arms on the table and puts his face inches from the Orb. I study the top of his white fluffy head. I smell burnt hair before I see the singe marks on the tips.

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