Chapter 20: Tea for Two

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The color drains from my skin. He's striding toward me with an outstretched hand, so I automatically stick mine out. I thought we were going to shake hands, but instead, he grasps my fingers, stiffly bends at the waist, and kisses the back of my wrist.

A surprised squeak passes through my lips. I try to cover it with a grunt, but that's even weirder, so I force a cough. I inhale a glob of saliva and end up coughing for real. I yank my hand from his and cover my face until I stop choking.

He waits patiently as I cough the spit out of my lungs and wipe the tears from my eyes. A servant offers me a glass of water. I take a few gulps and blow my nose in the napkin that was under the glass. The servant holds out his palm, and I give the glass back. He takes the glass and reaches out again. I reluctantly give him the snotty napkin. He grabs it without a word and walks away.

"Better?" Stratagor Ziras asks in an accent that sounds familiar, but I can't quite place. Maybe German? He puts his hand on my back and guides me to the grouping of four high-backed white chairs. "Come have a seat over here. This is the most comfortable place to sit and enjoy the view."

I choose the one that faces the back windows and study the man across from me. He's in his mid-forties and kind of attractive for an old guy. His grey suit has to be crazy expensive, and he carries it in such a way that makes him look like he was born in it. I try to picture him in jeans and a t-shirt, but there's no way this man would ever wear anything like that. He could be president, or run a super-huge corporation, or something equally intimidating.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, genuinely concerned. "You were pretty banged up when you arrived."

"Where are my friends?" I blurt. I don't want to talk to this evil man. I just want answers and to be set free.

Ziras' muddy blue eyes show a moment of surprise, but he quickly regains his composure. "I imagine they're back at Cromsmead, worrying about you. They're not statues decorating the Salt Mines, if that's your concern."

I'm so relieved, tears fall down my cheeks.

He offers me a hankie, and I take it before I remember I don't want anything from him.

"So, how are you feeling?" he repeats.

"Where am I? How did I get here? Did you hurt my friends? Are they okay?" I slam my mouth shut. I shouldn't bother to ask questions because he's just going to lie to me.

He smiles at his victory. He wants me to talk. It doesn't matter what I say. "As I said, they were freed from the Salt Mines. I swear to you they are in Cromsmead."

I can't help but be relieved. I want to keep my fear and the tension, but I can't. I want to believe him.

"They were beaten down by the Salt Demons, but nothing they won't recover from. You were rescued from them and brought to me."

"The Demons work for you?"

He laughs. "Demons work for no one. No, I had something they wanted. We traded. I traded for the release of all of you. However, I have no desire to meet your colleagues, so they were sent on their way."

They just left? They let Ziras take me? No! Don't be stupid. Stop talking to this guy! my brain demands. I'll keep my ears and eyes open for signs that they're being held here. And if I can determine for sure they're not, then I will believe his story. I really want to believe him.

He pours tea for the both of us and asks, "How do you take it?"

I don't. I hate tea. But I don't tell him that. I don't say anything. I'm done talking.

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