Chapter 30: Friends & Enemies

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I'm awakened with a pegasus nose to the face. It catches me by surprise and really hurts. I sputter a few elfin curses, shove his muzzle out of my hair, and stagger to my feet.

"Ugh," I say with my hand to my nose. "I wish you wouldn't do that." After my nose stops throbbing, a pang of guilt pushes the pain away. I hug Lenox, and he gives me a giant lick that soaks my face. "I wish you wouldn't do that either," I say as I go inside for a towel. I realize what woke him: someone's knocking at the door.

It's four men holding a side of meat. I lead them to the back porch and hold Lenox back so they can put it down safely.

Once that's complete, Mapta returns my cleaned and polished gear and weapons. I get sentimental reminiscing about everything I went through to earn the beautiful black Baladian dragon scale armor. Too bad it was all for nothing.

Once Mapta helps me don my armor, I put the saddlebags on Lenox and go down for my last breakfast with Stratagor Ziras on the veranda.

"When you first arrived, you were in that armor. You look much better and healthier in it now," he says while holding out the chair for me.

I thank him, even though I don't think it was a compliment.

He sits down and spreads out a map. "Do you still want to go to Rhomstead?"

I nod.

"Still want to go alone? I have an escort ready."

"No, I'm good. I want to do this." It will be the first time in my life when I can say, in all honesty, that I know I'm not a prisoner.

"Okay then. You can't get there by flying in a straight line. It's not safe to fly over Boastrert Bay by yourself. I've marked it on the map for you. "

The map is labeled in letters that are squares of varying heights. Under some of the words, Stratagor Ziras has written the English translations. Even his handwriting is perfect.

"You should try to make it to Rhomstead in three days with only a few short breaks for rest and food. It will be tiring. Do you think your pegasus will make it? If he can't, you should take an escort."

"That sounds grueling. Maybe I should." I don't want guards, but I've never camped alone.

What am I thinking? Lenox is the best escort I could ask for. "Never mind. He can do it. No need for guides."

Ziras frowns. I know he wishes I wouldn't go alone, but I like that he's not forcing them on me.

"Alright. You have to fly south until you make landfall here. When you cross the land, avoid farms because they may shoot down your pegasus. Then you need to go down and around Boastrert Bay," he says, running his finger along a massive body of water. "Stay close to the shoreline. If you get into trouble, fly over the bay. Dragons don't like flying over water."

He's drawing a squiggly line down the meticulously painted map. "Your path is a crooked one because once you pass the dragon plains, you're in harpy territory. Stay low. Fly quick. Stick to this path, and everything will be fine." As he explains, he writes the names of the areas I need to avoid.

"Will I see dragons? How close are they to my family's house?"

"You may see a few," he answers. "But you're not going into their territory, so they shouldn't bother you.?

"Great," I mumble. Maybe I should take the escort after all.

He studies my expression. "Stay on the path, and you won't be troubled by any dragons. And avoid the harpies, got it?"

I nod. I'm not worried. Lenox can outfly anything.

"Then a bit farther and there you are." He draws a big circle around Rhomstead.

I'm excited that I'll be in Ashra alone. I can do whatever I want, as long as I don't get eaten by a dragon or murdered by a harpy. This will be so fun. I can't wait to see my house. I have a house!

He folds the map and passes it to me. Chicken fried steak and biscuits and gravy are placed in front of me. I've only ever had this one time. Auntie actually cooked it, back when our stove worked. The biscuits were premade, but she heated them and battered the meat herself. 

I wonder how she and Uncle are doing. I know I shouldn't waste a thought on them, but they were a big part of my life. Auntie was originally from South Carolina. That meal was important to her. I was too self-involved or maybe just too young to ask why.  I miss her. Or maybe the sadness I feel is because I'll miss Ziras and this place. 

I cut into my steak. This is not home. It doesn't feel like Cromsmead with my friends. I stop chewing and try not to gag. They aren't my friends. They lied. Even if Ziras isn't telling the whole truth, he's been nothing but nice. I didn't need the training. My enemy is not my enemy and I might even call him a friend. 

My appetite leaves. The knot in my stomach won't let food down my throat, so I'm not even going to try. Ziras misreads my mood as anxiety to leave. He stands and pulls out my chair. He bows and kisses the back of my wrist like he did on that first day. It's still weird and uncomfortable.

He looks me in the eye. "I want you to know that you are always welcome here," he says, clasping both my hands. "Anytime, day or night, you can show up at my door."

"Thank you."

"Agatha, if you're ever in trouble, if you ever need anything, I want you to come to me."

"Thank you," I repeat.

"Promise me you'll keep in touch. I'm worried about you being alone out there. I would never force you to live here," he says with a smile, "but I must be honest, I don't like you being by yourself. I wish I could convince you to stay."

When I don't respond, he continues. "After you've done your soul searching and discover whatever it is you need to figure out, please come back."

I give him a wobbly smile and whisper shyly, "I will."

Stratagor Ziras hugs me, which takes me by surprise. He's not the touchy type. I hug him back, and it gets less awkward. I'll miss him.

He, Mapta, and Yury escort me out to the balcony where Lenox is waiting. With our goodbyes said, I mount Lenox, and we leave with a wave.

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