Chapter 32: Who Are You?

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The woman doesn't stop charging toward me until I'm engulfed in her ample embrace.

"I'm so happy you're here!" she shouts in my ear while refusing to break the hug, even though I've given her the three back taps—twice. I drop my arms to the side, and the woman finally takes the hint. But instead of releasing me, she grabs my face, stares at me with a big grin, and hugs me again. I'm not hugging back this time.

When she lets go, I jerk my head back to keep out of her grasp, but she goes for my hands instead. She clasps them both and flings them out to the side so she can inspect me from head to toe. I'm not sure how to stop her. I do the inspection back but see little of note, so my inspection is over quickly: dark pantsuit, dark hair tied in a ponytail, dark eyes with a few lines means she's probably mid-forties, not too thin, not too thick, big boobs and way too much make-up.

Her most annoying attribute is that she's overjoyed to see me. I don't want to crush her enthusiasm, but this left weird at the second hug and is crashing into creepy.

"Look at you!" the woman demands in an unexpected Southern accent. "You're so big! Look at you!"

She's beaming. I try to match her happy expression, but only one side of my face is playing along. My lopsided, halfhearted smile must have registered with her because she stops and grabs at her chest as if I punched her. "Where are my manners?"

I'm wondering the same thing.

"I'm your Aunt Detti," she says, and the grin is back. "Of course, you don't remember me. You were such a little thing when you left. I'm just so happy to see you. So grown-up and healthy."

The news that I have an Aunt makes me involuntarily shake my head like I'm trying to clear it. Why didn't anyone bother to tell me I still had family? The curra led me to believe that Stratagor Ziras killed everyone. Jonah told me I was alone. I have family that's alive and well, and living in my mother's home.

I'm getting ahead of myself; this woman may not be a blood relative. She could be someone who uses the term aunt the same way Auntie did. "I have an Aunt?" I ask.

I didn't think it was possible, but the woman's smile grows wider. Every one of her teeth is visible. She's about to speak when she lets out a small scream and grabs her chest.

I follow her horrified gaze to Lenox. I'm surprised he's behaving himself. He's a few feet away, watching the loud woman gawk at him.

"This is Lenox." I'm not going through the entire pegasus explanation. This woman needs to do the explaining, not me.

She stares at Lenox for a long time, never letting go of her shirt front. I've seen many people's reaction to Lenox, and this one isn't sincere. She's clutching her chest, which is strange, but there's no fear in her eyes. She's staring wide-eyed at him, and he's lazily gazing back.

"Why don't we go inside? You must be tired from your long trip." Aunt Detti never takes her eyes off Lenox, so it looks like she's inviting him. It would be funny if he took her seriously, but he's too tired to play.

"Is there a stable or something for Lenox?" I ask, hoping she feels like answering this question.

"It's around the side," she says to Lenox. "We don't have anyone who can take care of it, though."

I walk to the barn, and Lenox follows. Aunt Detti does not.

"That was weird," I say when Lenox and I are alone in the barn. "Do you think she's my real aunt? She can't truly be related to me. Right?"

I take off his packs and remove my armor. I make a nice nest for him in the largest stall, which he rearranges before flopping down for a rest. I find a water bucket and fill it.

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