Punishment - Peter Pan

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Peter Pan x reader

Warnings: mention of punishment

Word count: 453

Summary: Lost Girls have different rules than Lost Boys

Authors Note:


"Ow, Felix light up" Y/n yelped at Felix's harsh grip

Which instantly caught Peter's attention. Peter always kept a close eye on his last girl, and hearing her in pain didn't sit well with him.

"What's going on over here?" Pan asked as he approached the two. Looking up his right hand lost boy and then down to his lost girl. Looking for an answer from one of them.

"Nothing" she whispered from the obvious still too tight grip Felix has on her arm.

"She broke the rules I'm just taking care of punishing her for it." Felix said smugly. Which wasn't the best thing to do.

Seeing the look on Felix's face only fueled the anger inside Peter. He nodded before grabbing Felix by his shirt collar and shoved him up against the nearest tree. Which caused the tallboy to let go of her arm.

"You do not touch her." Pan snarled in his face.

"I'm just doing as I'm suppose to Pan" Felix answered while the only thing Y/n could do was look at the confrontation and feel scared. Did this mean Pan himself wanted to punish her?

"I do not want you to touch Y/n. Ever. At all." Peter stressed, making sure he gets his point across.

His statement though caused the lost girl to feel even more anxious.

"Got it?"

Felix nods "Yes, sir?"

"Go attended to the boys." Peter dismissed. Felix and left the two, deciding it'd be better not to question.

Pan turned to Y/n "You don't have to look scared"

"Aren't you gonna punish me?" her voice cracked

"No." he answered turning to face her

"But I broke a rule." Y/n said shakingly

Peter sighed before moving so they were standing chest to chest and cupped her cheek. "There are different and fewer rules for you. So no you aren't getting punished."

"Why am I different? Shouldn't I have the same rules as the lost boys?" she questioned, not understanding why she suddenly wasn't in trouble.

"No, because you're my lost girl. Your not like a lost boy to me. You are my girl. You shouldn't and won't be treated the same." Pan smiled moving his other hand up to cup the other cheek. He shook his head, how could she not understand what she meant to him?

"Thank you." y/n leaned up to kiss his cheek trying to show her gratitude.

"For what?" he raised an eyebrow in question

"For always protecting me, giving me a better life." she smiled up at him

"No thanks needed love." Peter smirked but it ended up turning into a big smile. He pulled her into him, kissing the top of her head.

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