Your Brave, You Know That? - Killian Jones

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Killian Jones (like father) x reader

Warnings: mention of abuse,

Word count: 1,971

Summary: Hook saving you and your mother from some bandits. He falls in love with both of you and raises you as his own. After the 8 years later let's say the reader is 16


"Mommy! Mommy!" Killian heard a little girl scream out

"Let her go!" a woman voice screamed

This caught the attention of the pirate captain. Hook nodded to his crew before they all headed down the dark alley. Coming to a dead end where the shops must store some of there stuff.

"What's going on here gentlemen?" Killian asked pointing between the groups of men. One group holding back the woman and the other group holding back the little girl next to the presumed leader.

"None of your business, Pirate" the man obviously the leader said spitting in the direction of the pirate captain

"Well you see mate I'm making it my and my crews business." the one-handed pirate pointed to behind him where his whole crew stood ready to fight if their captain gave the signal.

The little girl took the evil mans distraction and tried to get free again. But unluckily for her, he didn't loosen his hold. In fact feeling her struggle again just pissed off the man even more.

"If you don't stop struggling little girl I will mark up that pretty young skin of yours." the evil man said grabbing her chin between his fingers tightly, staring her in the eye's. Which caused some fear to bubble up in the small child.

"Don't touch her!" the woman yelled at the man struggling in his men's grip. Killian put two and two together the woman is the mother of the little girl. They sure look alike.

"Don't lay a hand on that young lady, mate" Killian stated very calmly, stepping forward. The way this man and his men are handling the two women was not sitting well with Killian.

"Or what Pirate?" the man threatened daring the one-handed pirate to do something

"You'll regret it" the pirate spoke drawing out his sword

"Doubt that" the man smiled as his men laughed.

With that said both groups of men started fighting. Killian and the leader started fighting. Hook made sure to avoid swinging his sword to close to the little girl before him. He saw the man switch hands and reached for the young girl she ran over to Killian. Hook moved her behind him for protection. That's when he made the finale blow. He felt the young girl let go of his jacket, probably to run to her mother.

"Told you, you'd regret it" Killian said down at the unconscious man now laying at his feet. After gesturing and talking to his men to take care of the bodies before heading back to the bar. He heads over to the woman hugging her daughter for dear life.

"Are you two alright?" he asked standing in front of the two

"Yes, thank you." the mother said gratefully to their savior

"I don't need any thanks. I have a code and in that code you don't hurt women or children." Killian nodded to her and then down to the girl. He softened his facial expression so he wouldn't frighten either of them, but more concerned about the little one.

"Well thank you anyway" she expressed her gratitude as she looked up. Now looking at his face she realized how handsome their savior is.

"Hows the little lass?" he asked looking down at the little girl with a friendly smile trying not to scare her

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