Threats - Peter Pan

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Peter x Fem!Reader

Warnings: nothing really

Word count: 411

Summary: Peter getting angry when someone threatens you infront of him.

"Peter!" Y/n yells out as she's grabbed by the Evil Queen with a ball of magic near her face.

"Regina." MarryMargret worried for the young girl currently being held in Regina's tight hold with a magic ball of purple flames near her face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Peter growled with narrowed eyes once he turned towards where his lost girl called for him in distress.

"Give us back Henry and I won't hurt your little lost girl." Regina bargained.

"Regina, we don't need to threaten anyone." Emma spoke up telling Regina, looking at the young girl a couple years older than their Henery.

"I agree Lass. Not a good idea. Especially not a good idea to threaten her specifically." Hook stepped forward gesturing with his hook to the girl in Regina's grip.

"And why's that Pirate?" Regina rolled her eyes at all the pleading to let the Y/h/c-ed girl go.

"She's not just a lost girl. She's Pan's lost girl." Hook stated to the Evil Queen.

"No duh." Regina scoffed.

"What KIllian means is she is mine. Let go of her. Now." Peter walks closer getting increasingly more angry every minute Y/n was still being held against her will.

"Or what?" Regina gripped Y/n tighter, testing Pan's limits and to see if he's bluffing.

"You'll regret it." Peter grumbled with a really dark look on his face. "Don't forget this is my island and your son's life is in my hands. What do you think I'll do if you hurt my Y/n?"

"Regina" MaryMargaret pleads for her to let the girl go, trying to sound more stern. Not wanting to have Peter hurt Henery in any way as retaliation.

"Let her go." David added with worried eyes for them, Henry, and Y/n. KNowing what Regina is capable of, they were all worried for Y/n.

Regina sighed and loosened her grip on Y/n and the second Peter noticed he grabbed his lost girl and pulled her into him.

"Don't lay a finger on her again." Peter practically snarled at the StoryBrooke gang and he checked Y/n over for injuries. Before giving the signal for them all to retreat.

"Thank you." Y/n turned around to look back at Emma, Hook, David and MaryMargret with an innocent smile.

Peter smiled at her manners, that's his Y/n. And it was entertaining to see their shocked faces at her thanks.

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