Book One: Chapter 5

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From the ruined city outskirts, Jenny followed Huntar and his companions into a desert wasteland. The sun was blazing hot like a giant heating lamp.

Jenny was never used to hiking in a desert. One time her friends brought her to the Grand Canyon, and she barely moved around. She was more of a city girl than an adventurer.

"Do we have to walk through here?" Jenny complained.

Huntar padded her back. "Don't worry. The desert is a one-day walk.

"But that is worse!"

Zena growled at Jenny. "You are supposed to listen to us! Remember?"

Jenny sighed. "Yesssssss."

She followed the beast warriors down a clear road across the dune. Sweat dribbled down Jenny's face, but she kept walking.

Soon, they approached a canyon between two tall flat mountains. The canyon was very wide, about two roads between the mountain walls. But it also seemed to go miles and miles through the mountain.

While walking, Jenny looked around at the tall steep canyon walls while a chill drizzled up her back. She got a strange feeling they shouldn't be moving through the canyon trail. They could easily get ambushed in the canyon without warning. But they were already halfway through. Everything was quiet, and Jenny didn't like it.

"How much longer?" Jenny wiped the sweat off her forehead. "I feel like we were walking for days..."

"Maybe a day or two," said Huntar.

"Are you sure we are going the right way?"

Huntar turned to her and smiled. "We traveled through here before. We know the way."

"Okay....." Jenny still doubted Huntar's words, although she had no other choice. Her new friends knew a lot about the new environment. If she doesn't trust them, she probably won't make it.

Jenny looked back at Zena and approached her. "So how long were you with my father?"

"For a while," said Zena. "We've known him since we were young."

"What was he like?"

Zena smiled. "He is a unique human. Once you meet him, you will get to know him more."

"Torag!" the rhino man shouted.

Jenny glanced at the rhino man as he strolled behind the group. For a while, Torag only spoke his name a hundred times since she first met him. "How come Torag can only say his name?"

"Torag was raised as a gladiator since he was a calf," said Zena. "His master only taught how to fight and speak his name. Those methods were meant to keep him obedient."

Torag grimaced at the ground. "Torag....."

The poor rhino must have a tough life when he was young. Jenny could imagine crime and slavery rising after civilization fell. Small groups of communities could take advantage of anyone without authorities stopping them. Perhaps species with similar human qualities could evolve as cruel as humans.

"So where did your kind come from?" Jenny asked.

Zena stared at Jenny with confusion on her face. "My kind?"

"The Beastmen. How did you exist after humans lost their civilization?"

Zena shrugged. "Well, legend said two gods created us. One is light, the other is dark. They were born from a seed, dropped onto the Earth when there was nothing. The seed grew into a tree and spawned the two gods. The light goddess is Mira, and the dark god is Adarr. Mira created life on the Earth while Adarr created darkness. He grew jealous of his sister for what she can do while he can't do it. To feel better about himself, he destroyed the humans' civilization. Mira then created the Beastmen race to replace humans. Her brother grew more jealous, but this time he made the Beastmen turn on each other. When Mira found out it was her brother's doing, she imprisoned him in the underworld. But he still has his influence over those who he corrupted. That is the origin of our race."

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