Book Two: Chapter 6

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Huntar crawled out from beneath a tree, surrounded by fallen leaves and smoke. He coughed as the strong smell of charcoal clouded his nostrils.

"Jenny!" After his eyes cleared, Huntar glanced around.

Black fallen trees laid everywhere, sizzling smoke into the cloudy air. Ashes and broken pieces of wood laid across the dead grass, sprinkled by sticks. A few bodies laid beneath the ruins, but not too many. The entire clan should have escaped successfully.

"Jenny! Torag! Zena!" Huntar strolled over the debris, coughing as his throat burned.

Whoever attacked the tree village must be very powerful. If this was only a first attack, how strong will the next attack be?

After taking a few steps, Huntar stopped when he heard something approaching nearby. It sounded big, snapping across the broken branches.

Could it be a Tyrant? No, the ground would rock harder as an earthquake, but it was moving closer and closer.

Huntar turned to the left, spotting a cloud of dust between two trees. Within the cloud, a tall shadow formed where the snapping sounds came from.

The lion drew out his sword and spread out his feet, ready to fight. It must be the attacker, coming to make sure the job was completed.

The shadow stopped, facing Huntar. "Torag!"

Huntar lowered his sword. "Oh, it's only you."

The rhino stepped out from the dust and choked. "Torag!"

"Is Zena and Jenny with you?"

Torag shook his head.

"Blasted! We must find them in haste! "


Huntar never imagined what would happen if he lost Jenny. She was the only human friend he has. To him, she was a piece from Chief Barry, the human he respected as a father. Since Barry died, Huntar promised he would always protect his daughter and train her to become like Barry. He won't allow her to die in vain.

Huntar and Torag approached the giant fallen tree. While on the ground, it appeared like a tall wall, covering half the jungle.

"Jenny! Zena!" Huntar shouted.

The rhino glanced around. "Torag!"

Huntar knew the rhino could only shout his name, but at least he could try calling Jenny and Zena's names. However, the girls would still recognize Torag's voice.

Huntar spotted a bush shook, and then the zebra girl rose, rubbing her head.

"Ouch...... What happened?" Zena moaned.

Before Huntar opened his mouth, he heard another moan near the tree. It sounded like someone was dying. Hopefully, it wasn't Jenny.

Huntar rushed closer to the giant fallen tree until he found a body. Pfff! It wasn't Jenny, but Chief Jingu. Unfortunately, the poor bird has a large splinter through his gut and he was bleeding heavily. He won't have long to live.

"Jingu, I am sorry," Huntar whispered.

The toucan choked. "My life.... Doesn't matter.... My tribe survived...."

"What about Jenny? Did you saw her? "

Jingu gritted his bloody teeth. "She's gone..... Taken....."

"Taken? Where?"

Jingu pointed his finger up. "Up..... There......"

The bird dropped his arm and closed his eyes, releasing his last breath.

Huntar stared at the sky, but he saw nothing. He shook the bird's body. "What did you mean, up there? Tell me!"

It was no use. Jingu passed away, leaving Huntar with an unanswered question.

As he rose, Torag and Zena approached him.

"My goddess!" Zena stared at Jingu's body. "Is he-"

"Dead? Aye." Huntar kicked the dirt. "He knew who took Jenny."

"What did he say?"

Huntar pointed at the sky as the smoke cleared. "She was taken from up there."

Zena and Torag glanced up.

"Up there?" The zebra girl widened her eyes. "He meant the sky?"

"Perhaps something from the sky grabbed her. But I won't give up."

Zena crossed her arms. "Whatever took her, it could be further from our reach."

Huntar sighed. "Then we better find a Preyer to scout the sky. It will help us reach the sky." He stared at the ground as a sad look grew on his face.

Zena walked up toward him and rubbed his left shoulder. "We will find her. If not, she will come to us."

Huntar touched her hand. "I cannot bear to lose her. She is the last thing we have from Barry. "

"I know, but she has her father's blood in her. She will grow strong like him."

Huntar glared and nodded. "Yes, but she still needs help. If they hurt her, nothing will stand in our way."

Zena nodded and held out her battle staff. "No mercy shall save them from our judgment."

The rhino grinned. "Torag!"

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