Book Three: Chapter 2

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Tears formed around the goat woman’s eyes as her lips trembled. She held out her arms and hugged Jenny. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for saving my life!”

Jenny smiled while her cheeks turned red. “Your… welcome.”

The goat’s coat actually smelled good, like cinnamon mixed with peaches. Nobody could smell luxurious in a hot desert without taking a single bath. She must be from some civilization in the barren wasteland, or she came from a possession who kept her clean.

Huntar and the others approached the goat woman.

“I’m Huntar, and my fellow companions are Zena and Torag,” the lion explained. “The one you are hugging is my dearest human friend, Jenny.”

The goat widened her eyes and glanced at Jenny’s face. “Oh! I thought you were a monkey.”

Jenny glared as she grimaced. “Does it look like I have a long tail?”

The goat laughed. “Please excuse my misunderstanding. My name is Eera, the chieftainess of the Golden Sands Clan. My tribe isn’t far from here.”

“Why are you far out here, then?” Zena asked.

“I was in a possession outside our territory. But those lizards ambushed us and drove me over here. If you haven’t come, I wouldn’t be speaking to you now.”

Huntar smiled. “Jenny is the one who saw your distress. She is the one who you should thank.”

Eera turned toward Jenny. “I am highly in your debt.” She reached for Jenny’s left hand and held it close to her chest. “Ask me for anything, and I shall grant you it.”

Jenny curled a grin on her face. "Can you provide us with food and shelter, please? We have been starving in this desert for a while now."

"Torag!" The rhino barked.

Eera grinned. "Of course "


Jenny and her friends followed the goat woman across the sandy plains. The sun ‌set on the horizon, allowing the cool air to breeze over the group. Without the heat, their journey moved smoothly in the afternoon.

Jenny couldn’t wait to take a long bath and fill her stomach up with food. Using her power also burned her calories quickly, leaving her weak and exhausted. But using a little of her power doesn't make her pass out. That was why she used it wisely, or her enemies could take advantage of her. But with friends like Huntar, Zena, and Torag, she has enough protection to survive any battle. Good defense and offense were the keys to victory in the wild lands.

Across the distance, a dozen black dots appeared. It seemed like they were heading toward the group.

Huntar stopped in his tracks and placed his hand on his board sword hilt. "More bandits?"

Eera narrowed her eyes at the approaching pack and smiled. “It’s alright. They are my guards from my possession.”

Ten guards on rhino-like reptilian creatures, called Rammers, rode toward Jenny and her companions. Each of them was a grey wolf man in scale armor suits beneath their dark cloaks, and cloth protective headgears. But not all of them were gray. 

Their leader has black fur and long-bladed hair hanging down behind his head. He wore a silver breastplate, shoulder plates with razor blades on them, and a dark red loincloth.

The others stayed back while he got off his mount and approached Eera.

"My chieftainess! We feared we lost you," said the black wolf. "How did you manage to escape?"

Eera stepped forward. "These four wandering mercenaries saved my life. I wish to grant them my gratitude."

The black wolf glanced at Jenny and her friends. Although he glared at them, he remained calm. “I thank you for saving our chief. My name is Bladen, the high guard warrior in charge of protecting Eera and our clan. May I ask your names, please?”

“I’m Jenny, and my companions are Huntar, Zena, and Torag,” Jenny answered.

Bladen studied her. “I see you are a human. Humans are rare in these parts.”

Jenny nodded.

"I almost thought she was a monkey," Eera laughed. "How embarrassing!"

Bladen rolled his eyes. “I am not amused.”

Eera puffed her cheeks at him. “Oh, don’t be a hard stone, Bladen. I demand you to escort them with me back to our clan or else.”

Her words turned sharp as if she threatened her bodyguard. Surely, she doesn’t remain humorous for long.

Bladen sighed. “Very well… We should arrive by morning.”  

"Goodness, more traveling…" Zena complained under her breath.

Huntar chuckled. "At least the heat will be gone till the next day."


The moment Jenny spotted the city, the moment the view took her breath away. A vast green jungle surrounded the entire city, and three tall mountains elevated toward the cerulean sky. Golden domes and alabaster spires made up the city behind the granite walls that shadowed the ground within the urban district. Toward the center, a giant pyramid with multiple stone steps rested on the open stone-plated ground. Near the city, a giant lake rested below the mountain regions. 

Jenny turned toward the goat woman. "Your tribe lives in an oasis?"

Eera gave her a confused look. "We call it a jungle island in the dune sea. It is the only jungle in the middle of this desert. My clan was fortunate to find it before our rivals did. We have plenty of food and water to survive for generations."

Torag smiled. "Torag!"

Huntar gazed at the wall border. Coned watchtowers sat on the wall, facing the perimeter. "I see your defense looks strong, but I do not see any guards at their posts."

"They remain hidden, so unexpected invaders won't see them first," Eera explained.

"How often were you attacked?" Zena asked.

"Nobody besieged us for two years," Bladen answered. "Our previous attackers were foolish bandits who thought they could sneak through our border." The wolf smiled a sinister grin. "Listening to their screams filled me with delightful ecstasy."

Jenny felt butterflies in her stomach. The creepy tone from the black wolf man warned her not to get on his bad side. Bloodthirsty guards could make great protectors, but that doesn't mean the masters should trust them. "Oooookay… Can we continue? I can already feel the heat on my face."

Eera smiled at her. “Sure, my city will keep you cool once we enter through the main gate.”

The procession continued down the slope toward a trail, which led them through the oasis jungle. Already the warm temperature lowered as they approached the city gate.

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