Book One: Chapter 15

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Huntar and Jenny reached the top of the cliff near the shore. After climbing over the edge, Jenny caught her breaths until she heard explosions behind her.

The fire spread across the aircraft carrier, sending black smoke into the sky. The ape warriors hopped on their flying reptile mounts on the beach and flew off, leaving the carrier burning. One creature carried wooden cages with captives inside them.

Jenny's spine shivered. She couldn't tell who they carried, but she assumed the battle was over. And the Brave Blood Clan has tragically lost. "We gotta go back!"

"But your father said I must bring you to a safe place," said Huntar.

"I know that, but he might be in trouble!"

"If it's true, giving up his life is the reason we survive."

"Please!" Jenny placed her arms around Huntar's arm. "Do you care about him? What about your friends? What about your home? Are you going to abandon them for nothing?"

Huntar glared at the ground and sighed. "Very well, but we must make quick haste."

Jenny smiled and climbed onto Huntar's back. They may have lost the hideout, but lives might still be inside.


From the beach, Huntar clambered into the breached hole. Smoke and charcoal smell clouded his scents. He kneeled, letting Jenny slide off his back.

Jenny looked around. "Father! Father!"

Huntar shielded his eyes as he followed Jenny through the smoke. They coughed through the drifting eye-watering inferno mist. If they stay inside the vessel too long, they will suffocate, or the fire will burn them alive. They have to move quickly.

"Father!" Jenny shouted again.

Huntar spotted shadows of bodies and ruins among the smoke. As he feared, the Brave Blood Clan has fallen. Everyone was dead, including some ape warriors. But did his companions fall too? He couldn't see their bodies among the dead. Maybe they were in those cages the Cocidius army carried off. Or worse, their bodies burned turned into ashes by the fire. He couldn't be sure.

"Oh, my god! Father!" Jenny raced toward a body.

Huntar approached Chief Barry's body. Blood covered the old man, and a sword stuck out through his chest. By a miracle, his breath drifted from his mouth, although he was beaten badly. Huntar knew Barry was stronger than he looked.

Jenny pulled the blade out of Barry's chest and held him up. "He is still breathing! Please help me!"

"We must move him now!" Huntar shouted.

The lion-man lifted Barry's body, feeling the floor tremor. The vessel was about to fall!

"Come on!" Huntar dashed first as Jenny followed him. When they reached the breached hole, they jumped through it.

Both of them landed on the beach and sprinted further as the vessel collapsed.

It fell into a pile of burning shrapnels and evaporated in the water. There was nothing left of it now.


On top of the cliff, Jenny laid her father's body on the bedroll. Barry slowly opened his eyes. "Jenny.....You came.....Back."

"I had to," she said. "You are hurt."

Barry coughed out blood. "It is.....Too late for me.....Now."

"No father! You can make it! We'll find someone who-"

Barry grabbed Jenny's hand and held it tightly. "You must listen, my dear. Horde has the crystal now .....And he took Zena and Torag."

Huntar widened his eyes. "They are alive?"

Barry nodded his head. "Listen.....Jenny. You must stop Horde at all costs.....My clan is dead.....But you can stop him."

"I am not sure I-"

"Please promise me you will! You are our only hope to save this world."

Jenny held back her tears and sniffed. "I will try.....Father."



Barry smiled at her. " glad..... You are here.....So I can see you.....One last time....."

He closed his eyes for the last time. Jenny hugged him and cried on his chest.

Huntar kneeled next to her and placed his hands together. "Oh great Kronos, please allow this brave human rest in your sanctum. He has proven himself to be a most worthy warrior with great honor. Please allow him to rest in peace."


As the sun descended in the far horizon, Jenny watched the flames burn her father's body on a pile of hay. The wind breezed through her hair while she sat crossed-legged on the ground.

For years, Jenny believed her father was dead. After finding him by accident, he truly died this time. Perhaps that was his fate, even if Jenny didn't come to his aid. She wouldn't have come to the future if she didn't arrive at the Thunder Tech convention. But she lost everything, and she couldn't go back. Only one thing she could still do.

She must kill Horde and save this world from his weapon. This future was now her new home until she could return to her own time period. Saving the world depended on her survival and the survival of her new friends. This was her father's dying wish, and she will keep her word.

Huntar approached her. "So what is your plan?"

Jenny rose to her feet. Her eyes glared at the fire shining across her face. "We will rescue our friends and stop Horde at all costs."

Huntar smiled. "Now that is a true warrior's spirit."

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