Part XIV

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Diluc as usual is at the tavern, taking over Charles duty since the man already work half the day and he took the man's night shift. Though, his thoughts is already somewhere else.

'That woman and that man...' he thought, starting to think about the woman and her butler.

From their appearance, they seems from Liyue but what took Diluc's attention that why the Fatui target them?

Last night

As usual, Diluc get into his so called Dark Knight  get up, patrolling the city due to the knights lack of responsibility and slacking off with their night duty.

Most of them (knights) are asleep at their station and this make the red headed man scowl in disgust.

Diluc decided to roam outside the walls, to make sure there are no monsters around. Though, as for this night.

There are a few unwanted people around.

"What are you doing here, Fatui?" snarled Diluc, glaring his red eyes at the Fatui Skirmishers. The group turn towards him, they get into a fighting position as Diluc summons his claymore.

So, he battles the skirmishers.






The battle was difficult, Diluc let out a huff as je glares at the hydro skirmishers. Pointing his hydro gun towards the pyro user as the electo skirmisher ready his hammer, charging it with electro.

Diluc glares at them, he stands up from his kneeling position as he prepares for the attack coming from the electro skirmisher.

The electro skirmisher charges at Diluc, pulling his hammer back and ready to slam the Dark Knight to the ground.

When Diluc was about to slash his claymore, the electro skirmisher was halted on his mid charge. His face laced with shock. Suddenly the fatui was lift up in the air by a certain bald man.

"That's enough for today" it was Xavier, the other fatui slowly backs away as Xavier toss the electro skirmisher towards his group. Diluc stare at the bald man who stood tall, with both arms cross over his chest.

"5 against 1 is quite a cheat, I am ashamed that you took advantage of this but you are bad people and knowing  bad people, they don't play by the rules" Xavier said. The skirmishers prepares their weapon, Xavier sends them a glare as he lift his pinky finger.

A sudden earthquake can be felt, the ground beneath the fatui's begin to crack bit by bit. (Tobirama : hmmm)

This sends fear down towards the enemies spine, also to Diluc. Diluc begin felt a cold sweat roll down his forehead and he didn't dare to lift his gaze as the bulky man, he swallow down his saliva as his heart beat fast at the sudden tremor that the man had made just now.

"Get out of here before I decide to send you all back where you came from, I did that to your one of superior and he was lucky I was in a good mood or else he had been to the moon, so leave" Xavier said, the Fatui follows his warning and left without another word.

Diluc still has his head down, knuckles turning white due to him holding the hilt of his claymore too tight. "Stand up, young man" Xavier said, Diluc flinch as he slowly looks up to see Xavier tugging and twirling his moustache. The fear has now disappear and Diluc finally able to move as he slowly stands up and look up at the tall man.

"You...." Diluc trailed.

"So, why the Master of Dawn Winery doing all the way out here? I thought you'd be at the tavern serving your customers" Xavier said. "You took action in defeating a group of skirmishers without a second thought knowing you can't win such battle alone, you have my acknowledgement" he said.

"I should have ask you the same thing...why are you out here?" Diluc questioned the tall man, de-manifest his claymore. "Why? Can't an old man like me help someone in need, Master Diluc" Xavier reply.

"Hmpf...." Diluc looks away "I don't need help..." he mumbled, "Let's get those wounds of your treated" Xavier said as he fold his arms to his back as he make his way towards the gate. Diluc eyes gaze towards the cracked ground, all of these with just a single lift of a pinky finger.

Who is this man?


Diluc sigh yet again, those two people. Especially Xavier, he is abnormal. His strength is very different from other people he had met....

Diluc eyes went to the bald man who is sipping away a glass of Dandelion wine, a calm expression on his face as the (h/c) woman before him eats away a plate of Fishermen's toast.

'Just...who are they...'

Author's Note :
Done with Diluc's POV! ✋

Also I didn't even mention Xavier's height in the story. So here it is! I made (Name) height around 173.5cm or just imagine you are a bit taller than Venti.

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