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Art : somewhere on twitter that I forgot to save the link....




The situation with the hunters already have been ceased since we already know who was the culprit was.

The culprit was a son of a noble in Mondstadt, the father apologize for his son's behaviour and what he have done during his absence.

He and his followers were brought into court and was jailed for a year due to trespassing, overhunting and have cause havoc within both Springvale and Wolvendom that would have cause a serious problem.

Everything went back to normal.






(Name) is patting Dvalin's snout as the dragon purrs under her touch, "It's been a very long time, Dvalin" she said as she gently hugs his snout. "So do I, mi lady" Dvalin said. Venti is smiling at the two, they haven't seen each others for ages!

"I'm glad that you're alright" she said, "I was worried when I learned about it". Dvalin's blue eyes stare into hers, "If it wasn't for the travellers and their friends, I would have been in control of the Abyss" Dvalin said.

"Haha, I should thank them! Oh my~ oh my~" (Name) said, "Before I forget!" she said as she turns to Venti. "Gullheim will be holding a festival during the fullmoon, in order to appreciate of the arrival of Goddess Guanyin during the time of needs!" she said.


"Darling! Calm down!" (Name) said, Venti is giggling with excitement. "Of course they'll be there, everything you wish for will be serve too!" she said with a bright smile. "We will have a few visitors that I want you to meet!" (Name) said, eyes twinkling with excitement.

"I haven't seen them for quite a while" she said.

"We should invite the young traveller and his friends too, as a token of thank you for saving Dvalin from corruption and keep Mondstadt safe from harm!" she said.

"You will be meeting them again, darling" (Name) said, taking Venti's hand.
"I hope you and our sons be together again" she said. Venti smiles at her, "Yeah, for sure we will" Venti said.

Back at Gullheim

Fulhert is pacing around, it has been a week that Albert left. The festival have come closer, their mother will be returning soon enough. "OH WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!?!" he screamed, clutching a handful of his long hair.

"I can only lie once! Just by telling 'Mother, I'm sorry but Big Brother Al have went out on a mission and won't be back for a while and probably miss the festival!' this is bad,  haiya! He is the soon to be king of Gullheim, he can't let his image down by missing an important festival" Fulhert said.

"This is—"

"Young Master"

"AAAAAaaaaAaaaHhhhhh!!!" Fulhert screamed at the top of his lungs, he turns around to see none other than his butler. "Oh, it's just you, Lin...." he said, "I know the situation is dire, sir but please do not stress yourself out" Lin said, smiling at the taller male.

Lin, an adult man with short jet black hair and brown eyes and wearing a simple butler uniform. He also wore a monocle with a golden chain, making him look like an old man when he is actually not....

"I know, Lin. Its just, Al can be stubborn sometimes. I know he will getting the throne and all...." Fulhert said. "We all know he is doing his best to protect both of our home and our mother after father was gone" He said. "... it's just he kept stressing himself out and rarely have enough time for me..." he trailed, eyes casting down sadly.

"Mother said that Albert was the sweetest and the kindest person, always carefree and always cause trouble but after father left he changed..." Fulhert said, "He carried the role of an adult at a very young age".

"Al was always there for me and mother.  He tried his hardest to fill in that role as a responsible man in the family" he said with a sad smile on his face.

"I just wanted to tell him that he's not alone and he have me to depend on, he always said that I'm incapable of taking care of mother" Fulhert said. "Just because I can't lift a sword and vision-less, it doesn't mean it made me weak. I'm a smart boy that knows how to defeat my enemies!" he said.

Lin just smiles, "You always a positive man, Young Master. The very first reason why I chose to serve you" Lin said, giving the male a bow. "You're admirable person".

"Hey, hey, what did I said about bowing! I don't like it!" Fulhert said.





Back in Mondstadt

"We're going where?!" Paimon shouted, causing Aether to cover his ears and Venti wince at her shouting. "SSsssh!! Don't be so loud!" Venti said, shushing the fairy as Paimon just only giggle.

"Let me repeat it, you're saying that Miss (Name) are inviting us to her palace?" Paimon said, "and there will be a festival that have a lot of food!" she said, her tone of voice getting excited as she talks.

"Yes" Venti said, "Did you hear that, Aether! We're going to a festival with lots of food!!!" Paimon squealed, making a back flip in the air.

"but- Don't tell anyone about the location, keep them as a secret" Venti said, "the place we are going is top secret and are not suppose to be acknowledge by outsiders" he said. "So, keep your voice down".

"Why is that? May I ask" Aether said, "It's better that way, that place I speak off is different from is better to keep it to ourselves" Venti replied.

"Why are you telling us?" Paimon questioned, "Because I and (Name) trust both of you, travellers. You have helped both Mondstadt and Liyue a lot" Venti said. "(Name) want to invite both of you to this festival as a thanks for helping both cities" he smiled.

"Miss (Name) is so nice!!" Paimon said.

"We will go to the secret place right after (Name) meet that old block head" Venti said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Block head???" both Paimon and Aether tilt their heads.

Venti just let out a laugh, "It's Zhongli" he said. "Oh!".

"I'm pretty sure she will inviting him along too! Knowing that old block head already retired and all, he doesn't have anything much to do in the harbour" he said.

"I just hope that old man won't go around and steal her..." Venti mumbled.

A/n :

*stare into the distant*


I don't have much to say, but we are at the middle of the arc of the story, so yeah. The ending is getting near even though I'm out of the Genshin fandom :D

( Why? Too lazy to download a 2GB update...what a pain, I don't have wifi, sad. I just play Obey Me and Minecraft XD )

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