Chapter 9: 2 for the price of 1

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Everyone was okay in the morning. Venoct was in NYC, Blizzaria and Bonnie watched TV (Idk what exactly, let's just say it was Pokemon Talk). Lillie was playing with her Pokemon. Max was choosing the Pokemon he was going to use against his opponent, and Red was training.

The sound of trumpets signaled that the pairs were going to be chosen now. They teleported to the main area where they waited a bit before Charles Goodshow appeared on the screen, gave his TED talk, and the pairs were shown.

Red VS Tracey

Red smirked. It was about time someone taught a lesson to that guy. Tracey would use his strongest robbed Pokemon while Ash was going to sweep the floor no matter what.

Ref: This is a 3 on 3 battle between Tracey and Red is about to begin! Trainers send your Pokemon.

Tracey: Come on, Scizor!

Red: Aid me in combat, Oricorio!

A Scizor appeared on the field with a sad face. This scizor clearly had been stolen and taken away from his trainer. An Oricorio (Baile Style) appeared doing a Spanish dance.

Tracey: Scizor use Swords Dance

Red: Agility

Oricorio started to move at incredible speeds. When it stopped, his speed was increased. When Scizor used Swords Dance, Oricorio started to dance along until it got the stat boost, stealing it from Scizor.

Red: Revelation Dance

Oricorio danced with red energy surrounding it. He liberated the powerful fire wave which hit Scizor and immediately KO'ed it.

Ref: Scizor is unable to battle. Oricorio wins! Tracey, send your next Pokemon.

Tracey: Now it's time for my comeback! Vaporeon, come out!

Red: Oricorio, catch this.

Red threw a Yellow Nectar at Oricorio. He caught the Nectar and transformed it into Pom-Pom Style.

Scott: And here you have it, folks. Red transformed his Oricorio using a Yellow Nectar!

Tracey: Vaporeon, Ice Beam!

Red: Dodge and use Revelation Dance

Oricorio moved to one side to avoid the incoming beam and started dancing in place energetically. It released a shock wave that hit Vaporeon. Because of Vaporeon's high Special Defense, it was able to withstand the attack, but he was in pretty bad shape.

Red: Air Slash

Oricorio started dancing like a cheerleader while air slashes began forming out of Oricorio's Pom Pom's. It hit the Water-type Pokemon, making it faint.

Ref: Vaporeon is unable to battle. Oricorio wins! Tracey, send your last Pokemon.

Tracey: You're going down! Rhydon, kill 'em!

Red: Oricorio, you know what to do.

Red threw another nectar, this time a Purple Nectar. It transformed Oricorio into its Sensu Style.

Red: Icy wind into Revelation Dance

Tracey: Rock throw!

Oricorio danced ominously while sending a cold breeze to Rhydon. It tried to throw a rock against Oricorio, but the wind was so strong it made the rock change direction and hit Rhydon. It was stuck in a cold wind while Oricorio danced with Ghost Energy. It was sent against Rhydon, who fainted.

Ref: Rhydon is unable to battle. Red wins this round!

Tracey ran at Ash with its fists ready to attack, but Red simply blocked the punches and tripped him. Tracey fell onto his butt while Red just walked away, not wanting to get involved in what just happened.

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