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The girl with skin that looked a little to green to be human flicked the nose of the sleeping wolf. It was quit a big wolf, the size of its human form standing up straight. With a deep grey fluffy fur to keep him warm. A smaller wolf with orange and white fur dramatically laid stretched out over its back and the enormous dark brown and black wolf had curled itself around his brothers.

"Alec?" Her voice was like falling rain and crisping leaves.
The wolf growled annoyed to be woken so early.
"Hey Alec, Sil asked for you." She whispered careful not the wake any of the other wolfs in the small den. These three had been inseparable for the past two years. The first year they had been the only wolf shifters of the castle.

The wolf slowly wiggled its way free from his little brother and crawled out of the den.
He shifted to his human form knowing that he had to be in this form to talk. His legs felt a little weird. It had been a while.

"You should shift more. You are both, not just one." The nymph told him.
"I know Sera... I just like it better as a wolf." He loosened his muscle while they walked thru the trees towards the big castle.
"I understand. I like it better as a tree also." The nymph smiled and Alec grinned back at her and took her hand.
"Well you are pretty nice oak!" She smiled so wide that the rows of pointy and deadly sharp theeth showed. It would have been a scary sight but Alec was used to creatures like this.

Sometimes Sil took a new one home. Sometimes they were hurt or scared. Sometimes they screamed and yelled and cried, even if they knew they were finally save. Alec had the luxury of not remembering where he came from. And he had no interest in it what so ever. Of course his wolf still knew. His mind would have been damaged had Sil taken his memory's for good. But now his wolf had taken them and he knew he was better of for it.

His wolf had been happier to.

"How are the borders?" The girl asked.
He and his small little Wolfpack guarded the borders around the light grey castle against intruders and dangerous creatures.
"Nothing happens... we found this shifter who claimed to be Fraya's mate, but she started crying so we made it go away." He remember the small little wolf who only came a couple months ago. She had run away from her terrible mate. He had beaten her for years before she finally ran away and begged Sil for help. He took her in and she joined the small wolfpack.

He never wanted a mate! It just seemed like something horrible.

Fraya still was a little upset after it had happened. She had nightmares and didn't want the leave the big den were most of the other wolfs stayed. So Alec had made sure she was never alone. And told anyone if they ever smelled that guy again they should drag his ass to Sil so he could take care of it for good.
He was gonna see her this afternoon. Make sure she was okay.

They nodded at the other shifters that guarded the castle itself. They smiled and greeted them. The others shifters took care of the castle. The wolfs took care of the grounds. And Bane, they're only dragon shifter, took care of the sky.

Sil's castle was a safe space. A wonderful place.

A home.

Alec had already stayed long enough to pay for his deal with Sil but had no intention of leaving and Sil had promised him he could stay and leave whenever he wanted to.
But he loved it here. He was so happy here. With his sweet wolfs and the others around him.

Why would he ever want to leave?

Sera knocked twice on the big green doors of Sil his private study.
He wondered why he had been called so early.
Although Sil sometimes liked to take him along when he went to have talks with other werewolf packs. Wolfs did not tend to like warlocks very much for some reason.

Sera opened the door and stept aside to let him in.
"Ah... Alec. Welcome. Thank you seraphim." She bowed her head and waved at Alec before she took her leave.
Alec smiled at Sil and walked in the studie.

He really liked his studie. All the walls from top to botten where filled with books. Then there was this big bulky beautifully wood carved desk in the middle, filled with papers and bottles and other things where Sil usually sat. There were a couple of other tables where he made potions or where he kept the stuff to make those.

There was always something to see. Although the smells in the study where an attack on his poor nose.
"Morning." He said. Sil nodded at an empty chair and Alec took a seat.
"I would say good mornings but mornings where I get invited to elder meetings are never very good once." Alec huffed in agreement.

Werewolf elders where even worse than young once. They had years and years to become even more annoying.

"You wanne come right? Cause I do not want to go alone." Sil never really ordered people around unless he had to or he was upset. But then he usually made some hot coco to make up for it.
So Alec nodded. He was probably best to take along. The other shifters here got into fights Just a little to fast.

Sil looked like he was somewhere between 20 and 30 years old but was already very freaking old.
He had long bright red hair and his entire body was tatted with deep green leaves and vines. Small once marked his cheekbones. He wore a grey and gold warlock rope today, as he called it. It was for official business. He usually walked around in purple polka dot shorts and tanktops with big bikerboots for dramatic effect.

"You will need clothes." Alec looked at his human form. He was not the tallest, but lean and fast.
He didn't like this form. Nor saw the need to were those silly clothes.
Many nymphs didn't bother. They just had these weird dresses Made form leaves and such, or long long hair to cover most up. But trees didn't wear clothes either so what was the big deal!

"I could just go in wolf form?" He tried.
Sil rolled his eyes.
"They've charged me with the accusation of stealing peoples mates." Alec could practically tasted Sils annoyance in the air around them.

"Well you are horrible person ofcourse."
"Very funny."
Alec smiled reassuring at his friend.
"Relax Sillias. I wil talk on your behave if you want me to. I can also like name a dosen of others who would do the same."

"I know. And I love you all. But I am sure only one will do. I don't want to risk it." Sil frowned and looked at the paper in front of him. It was a letter, not handwritten, so it must come from the counsel of elders. They where pretty modern nowadays.
"You worried it's a trap." Alec guessed.
"Not sure but I don't like it. They want me to bring fraya, you and a couple other wolfs."
"we are not taking fraya anywhere." Alec gripped onto the desk in a flash of protective rage. He had the sudden need to see and protect the poor little thing.

"I told them she had the flu. But that you were willing." Sil said calmly, but his worried face did not change. His eyes were darker than usual.
Wolfs didn't have the flu.

"I'll tell the pack to ...watch there backs." If Sil was worried then there was more to this. Wolfs didn't need words to expres themselves. Thru his mindlink he told all his wolfs what Sil had said and where he was going. And to be extra careful... just in case.

To go to the meeting Sil created a small portal. He had been there before and told Alec all he needed to know. Sil was able to create a mindlink with him which was a good way to communicate so that those elders wouldn't hear.
Also Sil tented to want to gossip like crazy and wolfs started wars for more silly reasons...

Alec couldn't shake the feeling like leaving was a bad idea. His wolf was on edge.
Almost as if he knew he might never get to return.
If only he had listened.

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