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 My eyes fluttered open and I groaned, hugging a heavy arm closer to my chest and burying my head in someone's chest.


JJ's eyes were closed still, and his mouth was slightly parted as he quietly snored. His bandana was miraculously still wrapped around his forehead. I tried to stand, but he pulled me against him in his sleep and shifted slightly, so I cursed.

"Vik," I whispered. I noticed Vik wasn't in the room, so I figured he may have been awake. A few of the other guests had left, but Simon, Harry, Josh, and Tobi were still asleep and sprawled out on various couches and on the floor.

Vik came in and widened his eyes when he saw me, quickly rushing over and helping me get away from JJ.

"I'm so sorry," He told me. "He does that a lot."

I turned pink but shook my head, suddenly feeling the banging headache that I'd been expecting. "Oh God, I was battered, wasn't I? I'm sure it's not his fault."

At that, he chuckled and led me into the kitchen. "Maybe a little. Ethan spent the rest of the night bragging about how you stuck your tongue down his throat."

That made me blush even more. "Oh, he doesn't think I, uh—"

"No, he knows you were drunk," He explained.

"Thank God," I put my head in my hands and he handed me pain medicine, which I graciously accepted. "Do you think I could get a ride home?"

"Of course. It may take a few minutes for me to get ready, though."

I nodded, picking my bag up from the counter and pulling out one of my books, finally being able to read at least a little bit while I waited.

He smiled and walked away, so I sat down on the carpet and leaned against the wall, opening my book and getting quite far before I heard a chuckle from the other side of the room.

My eyes snapped up and I met JJ's, which were still slightly closed as he had just woken up. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it to his chest, giving me a smug look before speaking in a low voice.

"You woke up not ten minutes ago and you're already reading?"

I closed my book and blushed, and clearly he noticed my embarrassment because he laughed.

"Shut up, Jid," Tobi mumbled from his spot on the floor. "Reading is for smart people. You wouldn't get it."

I smirked and raised an eyebrow, but JJ closed his eyes again and ignored me.


Vik came back in and smiled at me, so I stood and got ready to follow him out when JJ spoke again.

"Is your roommate hot?"

My heart stopped and a heavy feeling weighed on my chest. Of course she was. She brought a different guy home every night. She had the perfect face, the perfect hair, and she was everything I wasn't.

I clenched my fists and looked down at the ground before scoffing. "You know what, you two would be perfect for each other."

"Can I come meet her?"

I put my head in my hands and refused to get jealous. I'd spent all of my jealousy on every other guy she'd brought home. "If you want."

He jumped to his feet and smirked at me, knowing it bothered me that he'd asked about her.

"I'll give her a ride, Vik," He rested his muscular arm around my shoulder and grabbed his keys, leading me out of the large house before I could protest.

Bookworm (A KSI Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant