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Yes, I based the beginning of this chapter on Josh's Chinese New Year video that he did because I was dying laughing when I first watched it haha. Enjoy.

"Cassie," Josh came into my room in a very good mood, so I tilted my head and sat up. It was a week after the mansion.

"What's up?"

"Look what I got," He pulled out a small, Chinese drum and grinned. "Wanna go annoy JJ? After what he said to you I figure you might want to be a part of it."

I smirked. "Hell yeah. He deserves it."

I stood to my feet and Josh grabbed my hand, dragging me to the lift that I'd left untouched because I didn't know where it led to. I rarely went anywhere in the house besides my room, the kitchen, and the living room. I didn't even know where everyone's rooms were.

Josh had a camera and I smirked as he gave me the Chinese drum. When we got to the top of the elevator, it was a small landing, with a lot of random stuff on it. There was a glass railing that overlooked a much larger room.

"Okay, so just lean over the railing and start spinning."

I spun the drum in my hands, and it made a very loud echo in the large room underneath.

After a few seconds, JJ came in and looked up at us from the room. He was polite at first.

"Do you mind?" He stared up at me, but I kept going and pretended I didn't hear him. He spoke louder. "Bookworm?"

I paused. "Yeah?"

"Do you mind?" He crossed his arms, which were showing since he was in a black, short sleeve shirt. Damn, he had big arms. "I'm kind of busy."

"You? Busy?" Josh asked while holding the camera.

"Yeah. Recording videos."

"Oh," I grinned. "Have fun."

He sighed and walked away, so I turned to Josh and the camera before winking. I then started to spin the drum once again.

JJ stormed back out. "What are you doing?"

I smiled innocently. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you're pissing me off!" He shouted and Josh and I started laughing. "Can't you go do this somewhere else?"

I looked at Josh before grinning and once again spinning the drum, to which JJ groaned and quickly stormed away. I kept going, but stopped when he didn't come back.

Josh started laughing. "I think I hear him coming up the stairs."

I widened my eyes and looked around frantically, and Josh quickly shoved me into a hidden door in the wall, closing it behind me before trying to keep JJ out of the room.

"Where is she?" I heard Josh laughing as JJ was looking around.

"She jumped, she jumped," Josh cackled.

It was quiet for a second, so I used the opportunity to spin the drum once again, and I giggled as I heard heavy footsteps running towards the cupboard I was in.

"Run, Cassie!" Josh was still laughing as JJ flung the door open, and I shrieked when I saw he had on a black boxing glove.

"Do it again," He was trying not to smile, so I knew I wasn't in danger. I grinned and did it again, so he fake punched me in the gut.

I laughed, and he started laughing as he threw light punches at me.

"He's scared!" I pushed him out and started spinning the drum, and JJ playfully glared at me.

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