Nightcrawler (A Vikkstar FANFIC)

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Okay, so for this one I did some experimenting. As of now, basically the entire Fanfic is in Vik's point of view, purely because I feel like it would fit the format better. It may seem a bit slow at first, but let me know what you think. 

This story is based off of the song "Nightcrawler" by Rebelution.

(Like I said, Vik POV)

I ate rather quickly, because the faster I ate, the faster we could leave. The faster we'd walk by the all-too familiar alleyway.

It was around the time I'd go for my late-night runs. It wouldn't seem that I did much running, due to my geeky personality that made me famous, but I did. Every night.

But not for reasons you would think.

A Sidemen shoot had run way too late, so we stopped at Nando's to eat. It was nearly 10 PM.

I finished off my plate, tapping my foot repeatedly on the tile floor and constantly glancing at my watch. I'd be cutting it close.

Luckily, everyone else finished, too, so we made our exit.

I couldn't help but constantly glance around as we walked, trying to see into the shadows that weren't illuminated by the streetlamps scattered along the walkway.

"Vik, mate, what's wrong with you?" Harry nudged me as we walked, his grown-out blonde hair falling in front of his eyes. He really needed a fresh trim. "You look paranoid."

"He's looking for that one person he talked about," Simon chuckled, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Remember? His imaginary girlfriend?"

I rolled my eyes, adjusting my glasses and standing up straighter. "You're a prick."

"I didn't know you were into the mysterious type," Ethan piped up. "That is, if we're talking about the girl in the hood?"

Simon nodded, and I bit my tongue, regretting having brought up my discovery with them weeks before.

"Mate, anyone's mysterious if you haven't met them," I muttered under my breath.

"How do you even know she's a girl?" JJ laughed and slapped a hand on my shoulder, harder than he'd probably intended. "You said she's always wearing a hood."

"I just know," I looked down at my feet briefly, counting my steps as I walked. With how many times I'd seen her, it was obvious. Her movements and stature suggested that she was a girl. "Can we just drop it?"

"She's probably clapped, anyway," JJ continued.

"That would explain the hood," Simon spoke, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I never said I fancied her," I shot a glare at them. "It's just interesting."

"Is that her right there?" Harry pointed his finger in front of us and my eyes snapped up, but when there was nothing, he burst out laughing.

"Very funny," I kept my gaze ahead until we passed the alleyway, and I glanced inside out of instinct.

She always wore all black. Probably to blend in with the shadows. I'd debated hundreds of times investigating the alleyway, trying to find any reason she'd be there every night, but I talked myself out of it every time.

"I think it's interesting, Vik," Tobi assured me from behind us. He would always speak up when the guys started teasing too much, but I didn't mind. It was what I signed up for, after all, and they were my friends. It was all in good fun.

I turned to Josh, who had a focused look on his face as he stared into the alleyway. I noticed he'd stopped, so I stopped beside him as the others walked.

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