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(A few weeks later)

"CASSIE!" Simon shouted my name from downstairs. "Come downstairs for a minute!"

"Why?" I whined, mostly to myself, before burying my face in my pillow. "Leave me alone!"

My shout was muffled by my pillow, but I was sure they'd heard me. My guess was proven correct when the door to my room swung open, and footsteps rushed in.

"Get dressed," Simon poked my arm repeatedly until I groaned and turned my head to look at him.

"It's rude to bully people, you know," I stuck out my bottom lip. "Please let me sleep."

"I'm not bullying," Simon laughed. "JJ has a surprise for you, so get yo ass up and get dressed."

"Why are you talking like that?" I waved a hand around lazily, trying to swat him away, but he was shaking my shoulders. "You're acting like a child."

"So are you, Cassie, now get up," He plopped down on top of me, so I sighed.

"Fine, fine," I sighed. "If the surprise isn't a million dollars then I'll be very disappointed."

Simon fake-gasped. "How did you guess?"

"Because I'm a genius," I teased. "Get out so I can get dressed."

Christmas was days away, and even though my leg was mostly healed, I wasn't very excited. Yeah, JJ had been trying to make me excited over the month we'd been together, but I felt very guilty that I wouldn't be able to get any of the guys any presents.

Because I still didn't have a job.

It was ironic. Just two months ago, my entire life was based on work. My routine relied on keeping myself busy, and having as much free time as I did threw me off.

A lot of my time was spent playing games with the guys, and when they were busy I started getting to know Freya and Talia, who I'd met shortly after my time at the hospital. They were a lot of fun, and once I was finally able to start walking again, we'd go shopping together and get to know each other a lot more.

Being with JJ was...interesting. Surprisingly, we'd been able to get along, but I didn't want to jinx it. He'd been a lot better about controlling his temper; I knew because there were times I really tested his patience.

I know, I know. It was real mature of me to purposely try to get on his nerves. I mean, we were a couple, so I should have been sucking up to him.

But I didn't do it purely out of amusement, despite the fact that JJ was hilarious when he was pissed off. At that point, I was sure he'd caught on that I was never serious when I got on his nerves, so it wasn't a big deal, anyway. I did it to get a sense of clarity. I wanted to make sure he wouldn't leave me over one argument, so I warmed him up with much smaller disagreements.

It usually worked out great.

He still managed to spoil the hell out of me, even though I'd declined countless times. So when Simon burst into my room and told me JJ had a surprise, I could only assume the worst.

I slid on one of JJ's hoodies over my leggings and padded my way out of my room, biting my lip as I stared down the stairs. A few days prior, Josh had decorated the house for Christmas as content for his channel, so the large tree stared at me as soon as I walked out of my room.

I'll admit, it was pretty cool. Sometimes, I'd sit downstairs with JJ and we'd stare at the lights, sharing stories from our childhood while we listened to music. I made sure to thank Josh for spicing up the place.

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