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I woke up with a pretty bad headache, and I wanted nothing more than to crawl underneath my blanket and never come out. I heard JJ sleeping on the couch, so I sighed and sat up straight.

I got a sharp pain in my head and I groaned, and in turn JJ immediately sat up on the couch and looked over at me.

"You okay?"

I nodded, but suddenly got another sharp pain and squeezed my eyes shut.

JJ came over and sat down next to me, putting his hand on my stomach for some reason and putting the other on my back. "You had a lot to drink this morning. I'll get you some water."

I ignored the warm feeling I got with his hand on my stomach and nodded, trying not to be disappointed when he brought his hands away from me. There was a knock on the door, so JJ went to open it before coming back over to me and handing me a very expensive-looking bottle of water.

"Thanks," I mumbled. I looked up as the other guys came in, all talking amongst themselves before looking at me and JJ.

"We were going to go night swimming at the beach," Vik stated. I narrowed my eyes and looked outside, but sure enough it was night time. "We were wondering if you guys were up for it."

I blushed and looked down at my lap. As much as I was excited to go swimming, the last thing I wanted was to be wearing my black bikini in front of JJ. Lord knows he'd never let me hear the end of it.

But as I looked at everyone else, I bit my lip. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to go with them. I'd wear clothes over my swimsuit and just tell them I wasn't feeling it.

"Okay, uh, sure," I stood to my feet and walked into the bathroom with my swimsuit and a light blue, silky summer dress to cover it. The dress was pretty short, and it flowed out at the bottom.

I ignored a few of the stares I got as I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed, nervously looking down at my fingers.

At least it would be dark.


We got to the beach, and immediately the guys pulled off their shirts and ran to the water. I, on the other hand, laid down a towel on the sand and sat on it. I watched them all tackling each other in the water and giggled before looking up at the sky. The moon reflected on the water, and even though it was dark, there were lit up torches all around the area. It was really beautiful.

JJ came over to me, soaking wet, and sat down on my towel. He was smirking, and he stared at me before flicking some of the water droplets from his fingers on my dress.

I jumped at the cold. "Hey! I'm trying to relax, here."

"Why aren't you swimming with the rest of us?" He asked me.

I shrugged. "I just don't feel like it."

Harry and Ethan came over to us and stared down at me. Harry spoke. "What's going on over here?"

"Cassie won't take off that dress and swim with us," JJ teased. He reached over and tried to brush my wavy hair out of my face, but I pulled away and glared at him.

Harry and Ethan immediately started chanting. "Take it off. Take it off. Take it off. Take it—"

"Okay!" I groaned and stood to my feet. "I hate all of you."

I looked down at JJ, who licked the corner of his lips as he waited for me to take off my dress. I shifted nervously and glared down at him.

"Look away, pervert," I snapped. He rolled his eyes but did as I asked, so I sighed and pulled off my dress to reveal my black bikini. My tanned legs were fully revealed, and I nervously wrapped my arms around my bare stomach as JJ turned back around.

Bookworm (A KSI Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang