Chapter 5

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Wednesday, April 25, 1984

Lorelai opened her eyes, the ceiling slowly coming into focus. It was her sixteenth birthday.

It had been two days since she had taken the pregnancy test. She hadn't told anyone, partly because she couldn't form the words and partly because she feared the reactions. She'd needed time to digest the news because once it came out, everything would change. For that very reason, she spent most of her time in her room and avoided Christopher as much as possible.

Knowing she would be expected at the table soon, Lorelai climbed from the warmth of her bed. She quickly showered and dressed before making her way downstairs.

"Happy birthday, Miss Gilmore," Arletta said as Lorelai entered the dining room.

"Thank you." Lorelai sat down as the maid placed a plate in front of her, which contained a pastry, scrambled eggs, and two strips of bacon. Her stomach rumbled and she realized she hadn't eaten much since finding out she was pregnant.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Orange juice, please."

"Right away." Arletta scurried away to get Lorelai's juice before returning with it a couple minutes later.

Richard came into the room, stopping abruptly when his eyes fell onto his daughter. "Oh, Lorelai. Good morning."

"Morning, Dad."

Richard awkwardly strode to his usual seat at the head of the table and pulled the chair out. He sat down and cleared his throat. "I understand that today is your birthday."

Lorelai nodded.

"Well, I suppose 'happy birthday' is in order then."

Lorelai faintly smiled but said nothing.

Emily entered the room with a cup of coffee and placed it in front of her husband. " Arletta, please hurry with Mr. Gilmore's breakfast. He's running late this morning."

"Emily, please. The office will be just fine without me being there at dawn."

"I understand that, Richard, but I'm sure your clients are waiting. They do deserve your very best."

Swallowing some coffee, the Gilmore patriarch placed the cup back on the table. "Oh, I'm sure Floyd or someone else can coddle anyone who needs coddled. More than likely, though, no one will be any the wiser that I was not in my chair long before most of them climbed from their beds."

Emily chuckled. "You are dedicated; no one can question that."

The maid brought Richard's breakfast, quietly setting the plate in front of him. "Thank you, Arletta. When you have a moment, can you please top off my coffee?" She nodded and turned toward the buffet, where a carafe was waiting. She silently filled Richard's cup, then moved to check Emily's as well.

Lorelai ate her breakfast slowly, her mind on the pregnancy. When she finished, she slid back her chair and stood.

"Lorelai, you'd better run along and get ready. The bus will be by soon." Emily didn't even raise her eyes to meet her daughter's as she rushed her.

Lorelai said nothing and made her way to her bedroom. She couldn't help but feel like an afterthought. Yes, her father technically wished her a happy birthday, but it seemed more of a chore than anything. And her mother—she didn't even acknowledge that today her only child turned sixteen.

Lorelai decided then and there that her child would never feel like she did.


"Arletta, can you please go upstairs and ask Miss Gilmore to join her father and me in the living room?" Emily asked as stood at the bar cart. She was finishing a pitcher of martinis for herself and Richard when Lorelai descended the stairs. "Would you like a soda, Lorelai?"

Before Rory: A Gilmore Girls PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now