Chapter 9

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Saturday, September 29, 1984

Lorelai was laying on her bed, watching Casablanca for the hundredth time. About a half hour into the movie, an odd sound caught her attention. She looked around her room, trying to locate its source but couldn't find anything. Shrugging her shoulders, she turned her attention back to the television.

Several minutes passed when she heard the noise again but this time, it sounded like it came from outside. Annoyed, Lorelai got up from the bed and walked to the window.

Once her eyes registered what she was seeing, she couldn't fight the smile she felt spreading on her lips.

Christopher was standing below her bedroom window with a handful of pebbles.


Opening the window, Lorelai yelled down for Christopher to go to the front door. He nodded and made his trek around the mansion.

The pregnancy caused Lorelai to descend the stairs more slowly than usual, which allowed Christopher to beat her to the door. Once she opened it, Christopher's eyes met hers before they moved down to her stomach.

"Wow. You're really—"

"Don't say big. Do not say big."

"—pregnant." He smiled. "Is that better?"

"Only because the word 'pregnant' doesn't necessarily mean fat."

The two stood silently for a moment as Lorelai's shock of the impromptu visit wore off. "Why are you here?"

Christopher shoved his hands in his pockets. "I had to see you, Lor."

"But why?"

"After my last call, I lashed out."

"Yeah, I heard about that. Your father called my father, blaming me for it."

Shaking his head, Christopher glanced around. "They'll probably always blame you for my mistakes now. I thought it would be nice to not always be at fault but I can't say this feels any better."

"Lorelai, who are you talking to?" Footfalls alerted them to Lorelai's Emily's presence. She abruptly stopped when she saw Lorelai's guest. "Christopher! Why on earth are you here?"

"Hello, Mrs. Gilmore. I'm sorry for not calling first but I had to see Lorelai."

"Do your parents know you're here?"

"No, ma'am, they don't. And I'd like to keep it that way, if you don't mind."

Emily plastered on a fake smile. "Well, come in then. Lorelai, you two go sit in the living room. I'll have Elise bring in some refreshments." She moved toward the kitchen, leaving the two teenagers alone again.

Christopher chuckled. "I've never been welcomed into your house like that before."

"Yeah, all you had to do was get me pregnant," Lorelai quipped as she began moving toward the living room. They made their way to the sofa, choosing to sit beside each other.

Elise brought in a silver tray with glasses of water, grapes, and a small bowl of almonds before leaving as quickly as she appeared.

Lorelai reached for the water, anxious to have something to do with her hands. Christopher followed suit. Silence stretched between them, both unsure of what to do or say next.

Richard thundered into the room, his presence always overwhelming those around him. "Christopher, ol' boy! How are you? How's St. Sebastian's?"

"It was great for a while, Mr. Gilmore."

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