Chapter 15

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Flashback: Friday, April 24, 1981

It was the day before Lorelai's thirteenth birthday. A day she had been excited about for some time. Finally a teenager!

Climbing out of bed, Lorelai moved toward her en suite bathroom and began getting ready for school. After a quick shower, she opened her closet doors and scanned for something special to wear. Nothing jumped out at her as she dismissed item after item.

Then Lorelai remembered a green beaded top that her grandmother had given her mother. It was wrapped carefully in tissue paper in Emily's closet. She imagined it paired with her favorite Chemin de Fer sailor jeans. Perfection.

Slowly opening her bedroom door, she listened for any sound on the second floor of the Gilmore mansion. Nothing. She quietly sneaked into her parents' room and into their massive cedar closet. She rummaged at the back for the top she was seeking, her spirit lifted. Royston Sinclair III would eat his heart out!

Back in her room, she gently unwrapped the tissue and slid it underneath her bed for safe keeping. Sliding it on over a camisole, Lorelai smiled to herself, knowing no one would be as stylish as she was that day.

Waiting in her room until the last second, Lorelai threw on a jacket and fled the house, terrified her theft would be discovered before she got through the front door. But she was safe. She made it to the bus stop with only seconds to spare, climbing the bus steps and finding a seat quickly.

Once at school, Lorelai peeled her jacket off, leaving it in her locker. Her first class passed at snail speed, partly due to the material and partly due to her eagerness to get to her science class, which she shared with Royston. When the bell rang, she grabbed her backpack and made a bee line out the door. She wanted to be early so she could be ready and waiting when Royston walked in. She heard his voice carrying in the hall and her heartbeat thudded in her ears. She could not wait for his eyes to fall on her.

Then it happened. Royston entered the class and saw Lorelai sitting at her usual desk. He paused for a moment.

And he burst out laughing.

Lorelai felt her cheeks flush and busied herself with her notebook.

Royston stopped beside her. "You dress up for me?"

"Well—" she stuttered.

He laughed again. "You look cheap."

Lorelai's head popped up, seeing that most of the other students had filtered in. "Cheap? I am not cheap!" She felt her voice rising as anger took hold.

Royston rolled his eyes. "You are cheap. And loud. And weird. I only dated you because I was mad at Angie but I'm not now. We're back together."

"You're breaking up with me?"

Royston nodded.

Clenching her teeth to prevent tears from spilling down her cheeks, Lorelai looked down at her lap. Wearing this top was such a mistake. Why didn't she see that this morning?

"I have a question," Royston continued. "Are you actually a Gilmore? I heard a rumor that your parents couldn't have kids of their own so they bought you off their gardener. Is that true?"

Lorelai was crushed. Not only was she being rejected by Royston in front of everyone, but now everyone thought she wasn't a real Gilmore. She shook her head as she jumped from her seat and grabbed her backpack, before running out of class. She ran through the halls until she was outside. She knew she couldn't go back to class so she began walking with no particular destination in mind.

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