Chapter 13

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Friday, March 28, 1986

Spring found its way to the doorstep of Stars Hollow, breathing life into the greenery on the grounds of the Independence Inn. Lorelai found herself marveling at the beauty of nature one afternoon as she sat outside her little apartment in an old patio chair. Rory played on a blanket nearby, content with a few books and toys placed around her.

"Hello, dear."

Lost in thought, Lorelai didn't hear Mia approach. "Hi, Mia."

"I see the little one prefers books to toys." She gracefully sat in an empty seat beside Lorelai, her gaze falling to Rory who pushed all the toys from the blanket and was intently staring at the cover of a crinkly book.

Lorelai laughed lightly. "She always does that. I guess I can stop giving her toys, huh?"

"While most kids would prefer toys, books are a great way for young minds to expand. As long as Rory reaches for a book, I'd continue to encourage it."

Several moments passed before either broke the silence.

"Anything I can do for you, Mia?"

"No, nothing at all dear. I just wanted to visit with you. The last couple weeks have been busy with the inn being booked to capacity due to the town festival."

Lorelai nodded. "This town sure likes its festivals, doesn't it?"

Mia chuckled. "Taylor Doose sure likes his festivals, which means the town hosts them, like it or not."

"Who is Taylor Doose?"

"Taylor owns the market in town. He is very...eccentric...and wants so badly to be the mayor but Harry Porter beat him in the election two years ago. Everyone just sort of assumes Taylor will take over when Mayor Porter is through."

"Why does he want to be mayor so badly?"

Mia chuckled again. "Taylor has all of these ideas for making Stars Hollow better, more desirable. Most townsfolk just laugh him off but I think, deep down, everyone knows we will have to deal with Taylor's ideas in the future."

"Ideas like what?"

"Hmmm, let's see. Last year, Taylor was concerned about a supposed tick infestation and walked around wearing his pants tucked into his socks and urged others to do the same. Another time, he advocated for ways to ways to improve tourism by channeling the town's heritage and asking all towns people to dress in period clothing for the month. It's always something with him."

"He walked around with his pants tucked into his socks? He sounds....."


"Sure, we'll go with interesting."

Mia held up a finger as a smirk danced on her lips. "See, you already understand." She was silent for a moment. "The thing is, though, that Taylor means well, even if he does go about things in an unorthodox manner. He loves this town and its people and just wants what's best for them."

Lorelai smiled as her eyes lifted toward her daughter. "I can understand that."

"I knew you would. Have you ventured into Stars Hollow or any of the neighboring towns at all since you've been here?"

"No, I haven't."

"Any particular reason why not?"

Lorelai shook her head. "No, just haven't gone. I have everything I need here."

Mia thought for a moment before smiling. "I have an idea. You can run an errand for me. I need a few things from the hardware store in Woodbridge. I'll send you with a list so you can get out for a bit."

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