Chapter 14

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Wednesday, April 2, 1986

Closing the door to the maid's closet, Lorelai began walking toward the reception area of the inn to clock out. As she rounded the corner, a familiar masculine voice reached her ears.

"Yes, Lorelai Gilmore. We are looking for Lorelai Gilmore."

"Mom? Dad?" Lorelai squeaked when she spotted her parents at the reception desk.

Richard and Emily turned, their eyes falling onto their daughter.

Her father spoke to her first. "Hello. It's been quite a while since we've seen you."

Nodding, Lorelai felt confusion fog her mind. "I know. Why are you here?"

Scorn filled her mother's face. "Why shouldn't we be here? You are our daughter, after all, and we haven't seen you or our granddaughter in months."

Realizing they weren't alone in the foyer, Lorelai gestured toward the dining room. "Let's have a seat before guests start thinking we are actors, performing low budget dinner theater."

The three awkwardly moved to a corner table and sat down. After clearing her throat, Lorelai addressed her parents. "So you came here to see Rory and me?"

"Yes. It's been several months since you left. We wanted to make sure you're both doing well," Richard spoke hesitantly.

"'Doing well'? Honestly, Richard. The girls are living in a small town inn. They are clearly not 'doing well'." Distaste was evident in Emily's words.

Narrowing her eyes, Lorelai raised her chin. "Maybe not according the standards you live by but Rory and I are doing very well. I'm giving her more than she ever would have had living under your roof."

"And what was so awful about our home, young lady? Heat, running water, and food—how horrible of your father and I to ensure your needs were met."

"My physical needs, maybe. But not my emotional needs."

"Here we go again."

"You never cared one bit about me once you realized I wasn't going to conform to your social code, Mother. I became more of a burden than a blessing. The only reason you were mad that Rory and I left is because it made you look bad in front of your friends."

Richard held up his hands. "Both of you, back to your corners."

"Then tell Mom—"

"I'll tell your mother nothing. You made your choices and we have all had to move forward. Despite what you may think, we are not here to convince you to come home because, frankly, we both doubt you'll even consider it. As I said earlier, we just wanted to see you both and make sure you're okay." Richard turned toward Emily. "Right, dear?"

Emily rolled her eyes.

Silence stretched between them as they all avoided eye contact. Lorelai looked down at her fingers. Emily picked at her jacket's sleeves. Richard looked around the dining room, pretending to take in the décor.

Lorelai broke the silence. "You said you wanted to see Rory. Do you want me to go get her? The inn's owner, Mia, watches Rory in her office during my shifts."

Richard's eyes brightened for a moment. "Yes, we can't wait to see her."

Standing, Lorelai began to head to Mia's office when Emily abruptly jumped to her feet. "This is ridiculous. I can't sit here and pretend everything is okay, that this is acceptable.

Lorelai turned around and faced her mother. "Then why did you come?"

"Honestly, Lorelai. You should never have left. What do you know about raising a child? You're a child yourself."

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