Chapter 8

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Thursday, May 24, 1984

Lorelai opened the front door to the Gilmore house, exhausted from the day.

Ring, ring.

She could hear the newest maid answer the call. A moment later, she appeared in the entryway, stopping Lorelai from heading upstairs. "Miss Gilmore, you have a phone call."

"Thank you, Samantha."

Lorelai walked to the kitchen and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Lor, it's me."


"How are things at school?"

Sighing, Lorelai leaned against the counter. "Just as you'd expect. Destiny is having a field day with my pregnancy. Although I was quick to remind her that you were willing to sleep with me and she had yet to score with as hot a guy as you."

Christopher chuckled. "Nicely played."

"So what school did you end up in?"

"I'm being sent to Groton. My first day is Monday."

"Groton? That's almost two hours away!"

"Yeah. Seems my parents want to put distance between us."

"I'd say." Silence filled the line. "When will I see you again?"

"I don't know, Lor. My parents have the maid packing my belongings as we speak. I think they plan to drive up tomorrow so I have the weekend to get familiar with the campus."



"I'm going to miss you."

"Yeah, me too. But I'll call as often as I can. I want to know how the baby is doing."

"Make sure you do. I don't want to lose touch with you."

"You won't. You're forever stuck with me, Lor."


Tuesday, September 4, 1984

The summer months went quickly, with Lorelai keeping to herself. Her parents decided it would be best to not send her to school for her junior year, since she was seven months pregnant when classes resumed. Instead, they hired a tutor to come in Monday through Friday for a couple hours in the morning to help keep her in line with her studies.

Christopher kept his word and called Lorelai often. The problem was, though, that the calls didn't feel the same as time went on, especially once the new school year started. It was obvious that Christopher was building a life at Groton and making friends, leading him to disconnect from Lorelai and the baby.

That was fine. Lorelai had a feeling that very thing would happen so she had slowly begun erecting a wall to protect her heart. She decided she would be a single mother and would raise the baby on her own.

She didn't need Christopher.


That afternoon, Christopher called.

"How are things?" he asked.


"That's good."

"How's Groton?"

"It's okay. I've adapted. I have friends. I'm trying to redeem myself to my parents for the mistakes I've made."

Lorelai felt as though she'd been slapped. "Wow. Pretty bold statement, don't you think?"


"You're trying to redeem yourself after all of your mistakes. Meaning me and the baby. We're your biggest mistakes."

Before Rory: A Gilmore Girls PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now