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Princess Siyeon is very particular. She needs a rigid schedule constantly or she finds herself frazzled and unable to regulate her emotions. Every day I am to wake her at 7:00, bring her breakfast, and then help her bathe and get ready for the day. She only likes scents of lavender, vanilla, and honey. She only wears red shoes. And she only hates me, out of everyone on staff at the palace. Yes, she is particular.

"Kim Bora!" I cautiously open the door to the bathroom from which Princess Siyeon is calling me.

"At your service, ma'am."

"Are you stupid? Why do you still try to wait outside the bathroom?" She glares at me and continues, "You've been here for more than four months; you should know your responsibilities by now. If you don't get it together soon, I could have you executed for insubordination following a direct order from the Princess."

As scary as this threat would be to a normal person, Princess Siyeon threatens my life at least twice a day, and it means nothing to me now. I could be killed for having drawn a bath not warm enough. I could be killed for failing to memorise the Princess' daily schedule. Really, one word from her would have me beheaded, hanged, or beaten.

With my family in mind, I follow orders. I sit on the stool beside her bathtub and begin to wash her hair, as is expected. She stares straight ahead at the painting on the wall. What she sees in it, I'll never know. Maybe I'm just not sophisticated enough for abstract art. Regardless, I lather lavender scented shampoo into her hair, gently massaging her head and combing my fingers through her wet hair. I shield her face with one hand as I pour a pitcher of water over her head to rinse away the shampoo. She doesn't flinch at the temperature, nor does she criticise me when I accidentally splash water onto myself.

She just stares straight ahead.

Not a word is uttered as I finish bathing the Princess. I help her out of the tub and she begins to dry herself as I search for her daily outfit. I lay it out on her bed and return to the bathroom to find the Princess standing in front of the mirror, eyes locked on her reflection. I cautiously approach from behind and begin brushing through her hair, removing any tangles as gently as I can. I dry her hair and pull it back into a neat bun before handing her today's first outfit, which she will wear for her horseback riding lesson.

Once the Princess leaves, I permit myself to relax for a few minutes, by which I mean sit down in my own room and write another letter to mama.

𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 - 𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now