4. A Three-headed Dog and . . . a Troll in the Dungeon!

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Nearly one month that Y/N arrived at Hogwarts. Classes had enchained without any interruption. But he hadn't any problem keeping on. Everything seemed natural to him, like if he only needed remembrance of what he already knew. Well, as a matter of fact, he had already asked pretty much everything to Hermione, and it had been a good idea. In Charms, Professor Flitwick already saw in him the potential of a great wizard and had offered him private lessons to get quicker to more thrilling subjects. In Potion, roughly the same observation—well, at least Snape didn't look at him with too much of a deadly look. Flying lessons were wonderful. Y/N wanted to try for the Quidditch team of Ravenclaw next year. At the moment, he was in Transfiguration class, with Hermione next to him and Harry and Ron behind.

"Seeker?" whispered Ron. "But first years never make their house teams. You must be the youngest Quidditch player in . . ."

"A century," cut Harry. "According to McGonagall."

"What are you two talking about?" Y/N murmured while turning back.

"Mr L/N," Professor McGonagall said firmly. "Does the class bore you?"

He quickly turned back again and mumbled some excuses.

Just after the class, he followed Harry and Ron. They explained to him everything. A story about Harry, Malfoy and Neville's Remembrall, in the end, Harry had got into Gryffindor's Quidditch team with the intervention of Professor McGonagall.

"That's awesome!" Y/N exclaimed.

"Hey, well done, Harry!" said Fred as he came from nowhere. "Wood just told us."

On the other side, George also appeared.

"Fred and George are on the team too," explained Ron. "They're Beaters."

"Our job," George said, "is to make sure that you–he pointed Harry–don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises of course. Rough game, Quidditch."

"Brutal!" exclaimed Fred joyfully. "But no one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally—"

"—but they'll turn up in a month or two!" finished George as they disappeared in the crowd.

Harry didn't look happy about being on the Quidditch team now.

"Go on, Harry, Quidditch is great. Best game there is!" Ron encouraged.

"And you'll be great," Y/N added.

"But I've never played Quidditch," Harry told them. "What if I make a fool out of myself?"

Suddenly, Hermione appeared just next to them. How do they do that? First Fred and George, now Hermione!

"You won't make a fool out of yourself," she said to Harry. "It's in your blood."

Y/N, Harry and Ron looked at each other, clearly meaning, What does she mean?

She led them to the trophy room and pointed a golden plaque. On it, they could read:


"Woa. . . ." Y/N murmured.

"Harry, you never told me your father was a Seeker too," said Ron.

"I . . . didn't know," Harry said. He had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth–discovering something like that had to have an effect on you.

Then, they went to their respective common rooms. As they were climbing the stairs between the second and the third floor, Ron whispered to Harry, "I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do!"

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