━ 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚; 𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙖𝙮, 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙙𝙤

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MIGUEL CAME TO the conclusion that Mr. Miyagi was both the weirdest and coolest person he had ever met. At first, he thought he was just weird and had a hard time trying to get what future Johnny had said about him out of his mind. But after seeing the way he managed to take on Johnny and his friends as if were no big deal and walk away without a scratch, all he could do was think damn, this old man is a badass. Just by looking at him, Miguel never would have guessed that he was a karate master. Then, there was the fact that he answered every single question Miguel asked about the remedies he used to help Daniel without missing a beat. Miguel could tell that the man was getting annoyed with him, but he never said it or even gave Miguel a sign that he wished he would be quiet.

When Daniel had woken up, he was confused and asked where "Spiderman" had gone. Miguel snorted because he had called Mr. Miyagi the same thing. It was starting to get a little strange just how similar he and Daniel were. He had never realized it before, but they were a lot alike. Just like Miguel, Daniel had a hard time believing that such a small, frail looking old man was capable of taking on Johnny and his friends.

As Daniel sat up on the bed, Miguel took a seat next to him. Mr. Miyagi handed Daniel a cup of tea. Mr. Miyagi had offered him one earlier, but Miguel didn't like the way it tasted and had made a face to which Mr. Miyagi shook his head and chuckled at.

"How come you didn't tell me?" Daniel asked.

"Tell you what?" Mr. Miyagi asked.

"That you knew karate," Daniel responded.

"You never ask," Mr. Miyagi said.

"Where'd you learn it from?" Daniel asked.

"Father," Mr. Miyagi answered.

Miguel shook his head, seeing that Mr. Miyagi was getting a little irritated. Miguel already knew all the answers to all the questions he was asking. Most of what he knew about Mr. Miyagi had come from Sam. Miguel just had to remember that Daniel had yet to get to know Mr. Miyagi and refrain from talking or saying something about how he should already know.

"I thought he was a fisherman," Daniel said.

Mr. Miyagi took a sip of his tea. "In Okinawa, all Miyagi know two thing; fish and karate," Mr. Miyagi said. "Karate come from China; 16th century called 'te.' Hand. Much later, Miyagi ancestor call karate 'empty hand.'"

"I always thought it came from Buddhist temples and stuff like that," Daniel said.

Miguel rolled his eyes and sighed. Daniel turned to look at him with a confused look on his face before directing his attention back to Mr. Miyagi.

"You have too much TV," Mr. Miyagi responded.

"That's what my mother tells me," Daniel responded as Mr. Miyagi dipped the cloth in the water and held it on Daniel's face. "Hey, you ever taught anyone?"

"No," Mr. Miyagi responded.

"Would you?" Daniel asked.

"Depend," Mr. Miyagi said.

Miguel furrowed his eyebrows together. He knew that at some point, Mr. Miyagi agreed to teach Daniel karate. But when he asked earlier before Daniel had been awake if he would ever consider teaching karate to anyone, he had simply shaken his head and said no. Miguel asked why, but he never received an answer. Miguel didn't press him.

"On what?" Daniel asked.

"Reason," Mr. Miyagi responded.

"How's revenge?" Daniel asked.

Miguel shook his head. He learned the hard way that revenge was never a good enough reason to want to learn karate, but he couldn't say anything. He had already screwed up way too much. The last thing he wanted to do was jeopardize the future more than he probably already did. He just remained quiet and let Mr. Miyagi talk.

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