━ 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣; 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙨

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MIGUEL TAGGED ALONG with Daniel to Mr. Miyagi's house the next morning. Miguel tried to get Daniel to talk about the date with Ali, but he just ignored every question he asked about her. Ali kept asking Miguel about him before he left. It seemed like her crush on him was slowly starting to disappear the more time she spent with Daniel. Miguel was grateful for that, but it was hard to know where Daniel's head was at. One second, he wanted everything to do with Ali and then the next, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. It was starting to get irritating and all Miguel wanted to do was just to go back to his own time where he wasn't front and center of Daniel and Johnny's drama. He thought that seeing the drama between Daniel and Johnny was stressful in the future, but it was nothing compared to what he was seeing in the eighties.

Miyagi-Do seemed just as beautiful as it did in the future. From the first time that Sam had taken him there, he had been mesmerized. But for some reason, seeing how it looked in the past was far more mesmerizing than it was in the future. Miguel couldn't stop looking around and taking everything in as Daniel talked to Mr. Miyagi. He had barely paid any attention to what they were saying until Mr. Miyagi started walking away and Daniel began sanding the floor. Miguel knew that this was some sort of technique that he was using to try and teach Daniel karate. Miguel watched Daniel sand the floor, staring down at him with his arms crossed. Miguel had even offered to help a few times, but Daniel was adamant about doing it himself. Miguel was mostly just there to keep him company and he wanted to see Mr. Miyagi's methods first hand. He had always been interested seeing just how he did things.

It took Daniel all night to finish sanding the entire floor. When Miguel went back to Ali's that night, she immediately started questioning him. She wanted to know if Daniel had said anything about her, but Miguel just shook his head and told her no. He tried asking Daniel about her again the next morning as they biked to Mr. Miyagi's. Yet again, Daniel didn't want to say anything. Miguel just sighed and they continued the bike ride in silence. The first time Miguel heard Daniel speak that morning was when they saw Mr. Miyagi sitting on the floor of his house with chopsticks in his hand trying to catch a fly. The three of them sat there in silence for the longest time. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the fly buzzing and the faint clicking of the chopsticks hitting each other.

"Hey, wouldn't a fly swatter be easier?" Daniel asked, breaking the silence.

"Man who catch fly with chopstick, accomplish anything," Mr. Miyagi responded.

"You ever catch one?" Daniel asked.

"Not yet," Mr. Miyagi said.

"Can I try?" Daniel asked.

Mr. Miyagi chuckled. "If wish."

Miguel knew that he had doubts that Daniel would be able to catch a fly. He watched as Daniel picked up some chopsticks and began watching the fly closely. The fly continued to buzz around the room. Miguel watched it's every move, just waiting for Daniel to somehow manage to catch it. He glanced over at Mr. Miyagi to see him focused, his eyes never once leaving the fly. In the split second that he looked away from Daniel, he had caught the fly. Miguel had known that he would, but it still seemed unbelievable. Judging by the look on both Mr. Miyagi and Daniel's faces, they couldn't believe it either. Mr. Miyagi groaned and set his chopsticks back into the small cup on the table before walking out the room. Daniel looked at the fly that he held in the chopsticks, amazed at the fact that he had managed to catch it.

"You beginner luck," Mr. Miyagi said.

Miguel stood up, tapping Daniel on the shoulder. He stood up and the two followed Mr. Miyagi out into the yard.

"Hey, I guess that means I can accomplish anything, huh, Mr. Miyagi?" Daniel asked.

"Right," Mr. Miyagi said. "But first you accomplish paint fence."

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