43. Sadistic | K.TH

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Book - Sadistic | K.TH 

By - QueenLeeXD

Me - I'm a Sucker for Vampire Related, Supernatural Stories! 'Twilight series' was my first ever supernatural vampire genre Serie to watch. Then came the 'The Vampire Diaries' and 'The Originals' . Oh How much I'm in love with Edward Cullen and Klaus Mikaelson. <3

Preview -

"Are you afraid of me, kitten?"

"N-no." I watched as his devilish rose coloured lips turned upwards into a sadistic grin, his mouth revealed two sharpened fangs ready to attack.

 "Wrong answer." A scream ripped through my throat as I felt a pain being inflicted onto my neck.

This story is set in a world where humans believe that they are pets, playthings, beings that are there for the pleasures of Vampires. There are seven kingdoms in this world, each one is ruled by a Lord. Not just your average royal who has inherited the title, no, these Lords are animalistic, blood thirsty killers who acquired the title by ripping those in power in half.

 In order to keep them happy, each year, girls are offered to them as gifts. Sometimes these Lords take one girl, sometimes they take hundreds of them, it all depends on how ruthless they are feeling. They must be beautiful, obedient and of course pure in every sense.

 Lord Kim Taehyung is known to be the most sadistic of them all and this year, he has his eyes set on you. 

This book will focus on regret, forgiveness, true change, accepting the past and more importantly self love and self forgiveness. We often look at others when we crave acceptance and forgiveness when in actual fact the first step to recovery and becoming a better person is to forgive and accept yourself. While the description does sound a little violent, Taehyung is not violent towards the female lead. The message I am trying to spread with this book is that as long as we truly show remorse for our actions and we change, then we deserve forgiveness. Sometimes it's better to forgive than to hold onto hate and let the hate consume you.

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