Chapter 4: George's Arrival And Strange Happenings

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That night, Sam had another dream about Tarantella but this time Sam saw himself in a horrible world with bones scattered around. Sam heard the voices of his parents crying for help. Suddenly, Lucy, George and John fell from the Sky. They fell right beside Sam. Suddenly, a strong whirlwind blew Lucy away. Sam could hear Lucy's voice a long way off.

Suddenly the whole place became dark, the only light was that of the lightning which illuminated the skies. Suddenly, two pairs of red eyes materialized from nowhere and then another pair of red eyes joined.

"Tarantella" Sam said beginning to get angry.

"And Carlane" said George.

"Did you have the same dream?" asked Sam.

"Yes, I did" George replied.

Suddenly, a fork of lightning illuminated the Sky and to Sam and George's horror the eyes were not that of Tarantella and Carlane but rather of their parents. John also seemed to see his parents with those red eyes. The skins of their parents shriveled and fell off and then Sam saw Carlane and Tarantella. They were laughing at him. They once again conjured the Whirlwind with which they had taken Lucy. It blew all about the three boys and Sam suddenly woke up.

He had just had another dream about Tarantella. Sam now began to think Tarantella had arisen but what about his father whose voice had mysteriously changed into Tarantella's voice. Sam soon forgot about those thoughts and wore his clothes quickly. He went down to have breakfast. During breakfast, there was silence for a while and then Mr Anderson told them that George was coming to live with them for some time since his parents had travelled. Sam gasped because he knew what this meant. George was Sam's cousin. George also had a younger sister called Nancy. Even though George was Sam's favourite cousin, Sam didn't like George's habit of getting him into trouble. Lucy was also really excited because she would now have someone to play with. She was even more excited when she heard that they would arrive the following day.

In the afternoon, Sam went to visit his friend John. He decided not to tell John that they may be cousins. He wasn't even sure whether he should tell John about the dream he had the previous night.

"John may already know about the dream" Sam thought but then another thought crept into his mind. "What if he doesn't?" Sam thought.

"I don't believe that John knows about the dream or else Lucy might have talked about it" Sam thought.

John sensed that Sam was trying to hide something from him and so he asked Sam what was troubling him. Sam attempted to conceal his worries but soon gave in and told John everything about the dream which was worrying him. Sam sensed that nobody was at John's house except John so he asked

"Where is everybody?"

John answered

"My parents didn't tell me where they were going but they left me a letter in which they said they were going on a business trip and that was Monday, the same day we found out why Tarantella was terrorizing your family".

Sam seemed to think on it for a moment and then he opened his eyes in shock.

"That was the day my father went on his business trip and when he came back I asked him if he knew about the curse of Tarantella and when he quoted it..." Sam paused and kept repeating.

"...and when he quoted it" and then he turned and faced John.

"What? What happened after that?" John asked.

"...and when he quoted it, his v-voice. It...It s-sounded exact...exactly l-l-like Tarantella's voice" Sam completed his sentence quivering in fear.

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