Chapter 9: Unity

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The Lords Of Light were having their daily meditation in the Southern Skies when they received the urgent message that the Anderson team was in great peril and sent a vision to Sam. Sam received the message instantly and would have been killed by the lava had he not acted immediately. The Anderson team were united. They had found out that to defeat evil, they had to be united. Unity is indeed the greatest power. None of their powers individually could have opened the ground for them to escape. United, they were powerful, they opened the gateway and escaped.

Sam was really happy about the great lesson he had learnt. He explained it to the rest of the Anderson team and they got the message clearly.

Meanwhile, there was someone who wasn't very happy about the lesson the Anderson team had learnt, Tarantella! She had finally recovered from her daze and had gone straight to the castle of the Dark Lord again. She told his two demons, Revolta and Rebella to take her to him. When they arrived in the great Hall Of Darkness, Tarantella looked at the evil minions the Dark Lord had. When she finally reached his throne room, she saw him seated on the throne, uh I mean she saw his red eyes blazing at the corner of the room where he was looking into his great globe of Chaos.

"Mmmm" she heard him say when she was near him.

His voice seemed to come in two pairs.

"You let them escape once again. You are becoming careless Tarantella" he said.

"No, those group of Andersons are a lot more trouble than I thought" croaked Tarantella.

"Remember, this is about your revenge and also your duty to the realm of Darkness" the Dark Lord said.

"Forgive me my lord but I think it will be better to send one of your demons to destroy them" Tarantella said in a hoarse whisper.

"Hmm, what an interesting suggestion. But first I will sent my spy, Bat-Eyes to find out what they are planning. Go Bat-Eyes! Serve your Master well and send him the plans of the enemy!" the Dark Lord said and sent Bat-Eyes to find out what Sam and the others were planning.

Meanwhile, Sam and the rest of the team were talking about the possibility of blocking Tarantella's view. They knew that Tarantella was probably spying on them. Suddenly, they felt an evil presence all around them.

"Tarantella is spying on us again" Sam whispered.

Meanwhile, the Dark Lord and Tarantella were watching the junior Andersons from the globe.

"They have sensed our presence, I think it will be better to call Bat-Eyes back before they destroy him" said Tarantella who suspected what will soon follow.

Meanwhile, Nancy was directing the boys to where the evil waves were coming from. They all saw Bat-Eyes as he was spying on them. He tried to escape and would have had it not been for Lucy who sent the golden light from her eyes after him. It reached him before he could get away. He exploded in a blinding ball of flame. The Lord Of Darkness was furious. His spy had been destroyed and he now sought to destroy Sam and all the Andersons and even the World. He went into his room where all sorts of evil minions were kept. He removed a potion and showed it to Tarantella.

"Now we shall awaken and revive some of our demons whom we have lost in this battle between good and evil" he hissed.

Then the gruesome twosome began to chant slowly at first and then quickly. At the end of the chanting, the potion began to bubble. Then it smashed spilling goo everywhere. And where the potion fell, a demon slowly rose from the ground. First Sikel-Iton, then Firel-Iton. Next was Villainous. Then the Lord Of Darkness began to chant again and Bat-Eyes' body rejoined and he arose. Then the Lord Of Darkness summoned Revolta and Rebella too. Finally, he summoned one of his most trusted minions Siserpentia and then he remembered something and summoned Bat-Wings, the fastest flying demon in his chaotic kingdom to lead the demons.

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