It's Time, To Become A True Hero!

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        Ryo was walking around City F, gathering cloth for a hero costume she was making for an up and coming C class hero, Captain Mizuki. She wasn't a big name yet, but Ryo had faith that she would make a great hero one day. Ryo wouldn't need much in the way of cloth since Mizuki wanted to show off her perfectly sculpted body, but Ryo still wanted to pick up quite a bit of different textures and fabrics.

In the distance, Ryo heard screaming. Knowing she wouldn't be able to help the situation, Ryo ran to where the screams were coming from. Her heart stopped when she saw a building crumble to the ground, still, she willed her feet to carry her farther. Once she was at the site of the destroyed building, she asked a bystander what was going on.

"A group called the Paradisers are destroying the city!" the woman cried.

A man next to Ryo pointed at the group dressed in black armor and shouted, "We need a hero!"

As if on cue, C class rank 1 hero Mumen Rider pulled onto the scene, taking the time to put the kickstand down on his bike. "I am the bicyclist for justice, known as Mumen Rider!"

The crowd cheered but Ryo watched with a grimace. If these people were able to topple a building, surely a C class hero would not be able to handle this on their own. And to her dismay she was right. One rough hit and Mumen was splayed on the ground, unconscious. Ryo immediately ran to his side, shouting for someone to call an ambulance. Many people in the crowd thankfully listened to her demand. She slammed her knees on the ground, checking his wrist for a pulse, thankfully finding a strong rhythm.

The bald leader leered over them for a moment. Ryo was worried he would attempt to finish the job, she shouted, "Move on already! He's injured enough!"

The leader grunted and shrugged. "I guess we don't need to kill anyone except Zeniru. Come along men!" he shouted, pumping his fist in there air before leading his men towards the Golden Turd.

Once she was sure they wouldn't turn around, Ryo turned her attention to Mumen. She was afraid that moving him would worsen the horrid state his neck was in, so instead, she kept the crowd back, shouting, "Give him space! Make way for the paramedics!" over and over. Civilians never knew how to keep their distance. Thankfully City F's first responder times were one of the lowest in the region and an ambulance was on the scene assisting Mumen within five minutes.

Camera crews were also on top of Mumen and her within minutes.

"Did Hammerhead threaten you too?!"

"Did Mumen stand a chance?"

"Was Mumen's sacrifice completely pointless?"

Ryo was irked by the media's quickness to pull the trigger on a hero. "Mumen saved me from those Paradisers!" Ryo announced, despite the fact that Mumen hadn't done much to help anyone in the area. "If Mumen hadn't been here to stop those people I don't think I'd even be here."

Newscasters, interviewers, and cameras were all shoved in her face. Insisting on her answering more questions, but Ryo pushed through them, determined to finish her errands for the day.

Ryo didn't hear of another incident the whole day, she had no idea where those Paradisers had gotten off to after they left Mumen. After gathering the rest of her fabric for Captain Mizuki, Ryo stopped by her house to drop off her supplies before heading out to Saitama's.

"Hello?" Ryo called, opening Saitama's door. "Are you home, Saitama?"

"In here!" Saitama responded, waving at Ryo as she entered.

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