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A long time ago, right before Melinda May and Andrew Garner got together and married, May and Phil Coulson were together. They were young at the time and didn't feel the way they do now, so then they split, but still worked alongside each other and are still friends.

After the split, May was pregnant with his baby, but didn't tell him and hid the pregnancy. 9 months later, a beautiful girl was born, Lily May-Coulson.

She looked more like her mother, with bits and pieces of Coulson's personality. May was super busy with what she did for a living tha she realized taking care of Lily, while working every day was hard to do.

She ended up finding a friend who would take care of Lily and was given away, which May was upset that she had to do this and tried to forget what she did, but ended up forgetting that she had a daughter. Crazy, I know.

Lily was the only child in the house and was spoiled.
As she grew older, May's friend, Tammy, realized how similar Lily was to her mother and father as Lily loved fighting, weapons, and cars.

Tammy thought being a child, Lily would've loved dolls and girly stuff like that, she was wrong. Lily never liked those kinds of things because whenever she was given a doll, she'd throw it across the room.

Tammy knew that you can't give a weapon until they were old enough to actually use it, so she made sure that everything sharp, and could harm herself was put very high up. Lily is now 20 years old and has become a very strong girl, never letting guys and girls tell her what she can or can't do.

She graduated early and now has a job to pay for herself. Lily arrived home one day, feeling like something was wrong as she walked inside her house and saw Tammy packing a bag.

"What's wrong?" Lily asks making Tammy look over her shoulder at her, who was looking at her concerned and confused. Tammy stopped what she was doing and walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes, "You need to go. You don't have much time"

"Go? Go where?" Lily asks with fright and concern. "Look, I'm not your mother. You're adopted. Your mother wanted you to keep safe and gave you to me. I need you to grab everything you want to bring with you and put it in this bag. You'll take this with you wherever you go. Hurry!" Tammy commands making Lily nod before she ran up the stairs to her room.

She was still confused about what was going on but did what she was told. She grabbed her weapons, some clothes, and a necklace she has worn since birth.

Lily ran downstairs and put them all in the bag as Tammy put the bag around Lily and walked her to the back door. "I love you. Ok? They'll find you if you went out the front door. I need you to run as far away as you can. Don't stop until you are no longer near this house. Don't come back here either. Understand?" Tammy asks

Lily nodded in confirmation and Tammy smiled through the tears that were coming down her face. She kissed Lily's head and pushed her gently out of the house.

Lily looked at her one last time before running as fast as she could away from the place she's known as Home.


Tammy watched as Lily ran away as she hoped that Lily would find May and Coulson and be a family like she's always wanted. Bang!

The door of her house slammed open making Tammy shot her head in the direction of her door as three men came inside. They were all well built and could break you with one punch.

One of the men ran over to her and grabbed her, making Tammy fight with her being to get them away from her, but nothing would stop them from killing her. The man pointed a gun at her head as the other two men walked downstairs and one of them held a picture, Lily.

Tammy fought to take the picture from them but the one that had a gun to her head looked at her, "Who is she?" Tammy scoffed with no fear in her expression so she didn't show weakness, "I'm not telling you anything."

Tammy's head was then shot to the side as she was slapped in the face, making her chuckle and spit some blood out of her mouth. Guy Two grabbed her hair, forcing her to look at Guy One, "Who. Is. She?"

Tammy didn't answer this time, making Guy One move the gun to her abdomen and shot her. Tammy grunts in pain as she falls to the floor, blood was covering her clothes and was going onto the floor.

"She was useless, anyway." One man commented with disgust and the leader demanded, "Leave her there to die. Let S.H.I.E.L.D. know what's coming." The men all nodded and cheered in unison, "Yes sir!"

The guys left, leaving Tammy on the ground as she waited until they left to move. Once they were gone, she started crawling towards where her bag was.

The men looked through it before they saw the picture of Lily, making her realize that she was being targeted. She shook as she reached for her phone and went through her contacts, feeling her vision going dark.

When she reached Nick Fury's number she called it. "Hello." Nick answered with authority.

"I'm clocking out, sir." Tammy tells him before her vision went black and her phone dropped onto the ground, shattered.


In an underground base, was S.H.I.E.L.D. and Coulson had just got off the phone with Fury about a mishap of an Agent. He walked into the room where everyone was and Daisy looked up at him with concern, "What's up, Coulson?"

"One of our Agents was killed earlier today," Coulson tells them with a somber expression. Jemma gasped and looked at him with a frown, "Who?"

"Agent Tammy." Coulson answered making May shot her head up, hearing that name. She knew her as all of her memories came back, including her daughter.

"She was killed in her home and they don't know what to do. So we are going to figure out why." Coulson tells them

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