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  Lily was talking to Simmons, Daisy, and Fitz. They were talking about tech and science. Lily may not know much of what they're saying, but she tries to understand as much as she can. The sound of a door opens revealing a guy. He walks in and sees the ladies and Fitz and walked over.

"Hello, ladies and gentleman. I'm Aiden. I'm looking for Phil Coulson" Aiden tells them

"I'm Lily. I can show the way" Lily tells him emotionlessly

"You-You're Phil Coulson's and Melinda May's daughter?" Aiden asks

"Yes, I am. What of it?" Lily asks

"There has been talk about your parents and now that everyone knows who you are, people are afraid of you and your parents. Mostly you and your mom" Aiden tells her

"You're looking for my father, right?" Lily asks

"Yes" Aiden says

"Follow me" Lily tells him

  Lily lead the way to Coulson's office. Aiden followed close behind her. They soon arrived and Lily knocked on the door.

"Lily you can come in, I know it's you" Coulson tells her

  Lily shrugged and opened the door. Coulson and May saw her along with a guy.

"Who's this?" May asks

"My name's Aiden, ma'am" Aiden tells her frightened

"You're the inhuman that Talbot sent us" Coulson says

"Yes, sir" Aiden says

"Lily, leave us" Coulson tells her

  Lily nods and leaves the room. Coulson pulls a chair out for Aiden. Aiden sits down and looks to Coulson and May.

"So, you have telekinesis?" May asks

"Yes, would you like to see?" Aiden asks

"Please" Coulson says

  Aiden sees a pile of papers sitting by the printer. He lifts his hand and the stack of papers lift into the air. May and Coulson watch in shock.

"That's amazing. How'd you gain these powers?" Coulson asks

"Well, it was a long process. Someone I knew had Terrigen Crystals and he wanted to make it more powerful. He crushed up a Crystal and inserted it into a liquid. He had me try it out and at first nothing happened. Then, one day I went to work and things started moving on their own. I knew it was me, because none of the people that I worked with had taken the serum. I left work and didn't return because I wanted better control of it" Aiden explains

"That's very smart of you. You'll be fine here. Three of the agents here are inhuman as well" Coulson tells him

"Who?" Aiden asks

"Lily, Daisy, and Yoyo. You've met Lily, you'll meet Daisy and Yoyo and the team later" Coulson tells him

"Of course" Aiden says

"I think he should work well alongside Lily. Their powers together can be very powerful" May says

"I agree. What do you say?" Coulson asks

"I don't mind" Aiden says

"Lily will be informing you on everything around here and introduce you to everyone. I believe she's waiting outside" May tells him

  Aiden nodded and walked out of the office. He sees Lily talking to someone and walks over. Lily sees him and smiled.

"Coulson and May said you'll introduce me to everything and everyone" Aiden tells her

"Absolutely. Excuse me" Lily says to the person she was talking to

  Lily lead the way down the hallway. Aiden ran to catch up with her.

"This base is very secret, so you can't tell anyone you know about anything" Lily tells him

"Easy for me, I don't really have friends or family" Aiden tells her

"Soon enough, we'll all be your family" Lily tells him

  Lily walks into Fitzsimmons lab. They were working on something.

"Fitzsimmons. Meet Aiden. He's new here and a inhuman" Lily tells them

  Fitzsimmons looked away from what they were looking at to Aiden. Aiden gave them a smile. They turned to him.

"Hi, Jemma Simmons" Simmons tells him

"Leopold Fitz" Fitz tells him

"Aiden" Aiden says

"Oh! Before you leave Lily! I want to check your hand" Simmons tells her

"Of course" Lily says

  Lily removed her glove revealing the burns on her hand. Aiden looked in shock at that. He's never seen burns like this. Simmons put some kind of ointment on Lily's hand.

"This should help your burns. Come back tomorrow and it will be in a bottle for you" Simmons tells her

"Thank you" Lily tells her

  Lily walked out of the room and Aiden followed. Aiden stood next to her and couldn't stop looking at her gloved hand.

"You have questions" Lily says

"What happened?" Aiden asks

  Lily sighed and turned to him making him stop. She holds her hand up, as a water ball appeared hovering over her hand. Aiden looked at it curious.

"I'm an inhuman as well. I was injected with the same serum as you. I might've eavesdropped into your conversation earlier, but I know that we have some things in common. However, I didn't want to hurt people that I kept burning myself without burning the others" Lily explains

"What can Daisy and Yoyo do?" Aiden asks

  Lily went to answer when said women walked over. Daisy looked at Aiden and immediately fell for him. Lily and Yoyo looked at each other and smirked.

"Hi, I'm Daisy" Daisy introduces herself

"Aiden" Aiden says

"I know, we met earlier, remember?" Daisy asks

"Right. Forgot" Aiden says

"Lily why don't we let Daisy show him around and me and you go hangout with the rest" Yoyo suggests

"Absolutely" Lily says


  Lily and Yoyo walked to the training room. Lily then realized something.

"Hey, um, I've never seen what you could do. Can you show me?" Lily asks

"Of course" Yoyo says

  Yoyo zoomed to the other side of the room, and grabbed a lanyard. She then zoomed back in front of Lily. Lily stared at her in shock.

"That's so cool! Now I know why they call you Yoyo" Lily says

"Blessing and a curse" Yoyo tells her

"How'd you join the team?" Lily asks

"Long story" Yoyo tells her

"I have all the time in the world" Lily tells her

  Yoyo smiled and sat down and began explaining. Lily sat across from her listening.

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