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In an old abandoned building was Ward. The traitor of S.H.I.E.L.D. He was watching as his men worked away on the computers. They were trying to find something or someone that could give him leverage on S.H.I.E.L.D. They have found nothing, until one of the computers started beeping.

Ward looked at the computer as a picture of a girl appears. He read the name of the girl. Lillian May-Coulson. He smirked founding his leverage. He turned to his men.

"Find her and bring her here!" Ward commands

"Yes, Sir!" The men told him


Lily was with everyone in Kansas. They found Ward and was going to take him down. She walked down a alleyway as to where Fitzsimmons last saw him. She had a comm in her ear.

"Let us know if you see him" Coulson tells them all

Lily acted like she was lost as she made her way through the alley. She heard footsteps and walked around in circles.

"Hey!" A voice says

Lily looked over and saw a man. Ward. She looked at him in confusion.

"You alright?" Ward asks

"I don't know where I am" Lily answers keeping her comms on

"Good job, Lily. We're on our way" May tells her

"What's your name?" Ward asks

"Sasha" Lily lies

"That's not your real name, isn't it? Lillian May-Coulson" Ward says aloud

Before she could call out to her team, a man ripped the comms out of her ear. He threw it to the ground and stomped on it.


"Lily! Lily!" May calls out

"What happened?" Mack asks through comms

"Don't know. Everyone head towards Lily's position" Coulson tells them all

May and Coulson ran towards the alleyway where Lily is, or was. They arrived along with the others. There was no sight of Lily anywhere. Coulson stepped forward and his shoe crushed on something. He looked down and saw Lily's comms.

Coulson picked the broken comms up from the ground and turned towards everyone. He showed them the broken comms. Everyone looked at one another in fear.


Lily woke up in some sort of underground base. She was tied to a chair as she made no move to try to get out of the chair. A door opened making her look up to see who it was.

"Hello. I don't believe we've met. I'm Grant Ward. I used to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. Now I work for HYDRA" Ward tells her

Lily had a serious look on her face. Ward smirked realizing how much she is like May.

"So, you're Melinda May and Phil Coulson's daughter, right?" Ward asks

Lily didn't answer him.

"Hmm. I want to know if you have your mother's fighting skills" Ward tells her

A man walked into the room as Ward said that. Lily looked at the man. He was very muscly as Ward walked over to her. He untied her and she stood up. Ward walked around Lily, examining her.

Ward than looked to the man. He nodded to him, making the man walk towards her. Lily knew what she had to do.


May and Coulson were trying their best to figure out what they have to do. Lily was never given proper training, but they had hope that she would use her powers on him.

"Ward doesn't know she has powers" May tells him

"We have to think of something" Coulson says

A knock on the door made the couple look up. Daisy walked in and over to them.

"We found something" Daisy tells them

"What?" May asks

"Follow me" Daisy tells them

Daisy walks out of the room waiting for them to follow her. Coulson and May looked at each other before following her. They get up and walk out of the office. They walk to where Simmons is along with everyone else. Simmons turns to them.

"Coulson, May, so we found that there are bodies appearing around the area of this country" Simmons tells them pointing to a map

Coulson and May looked at the map and saw a variety of locations where the bodies appeared. In the center was an abandoned building. Coulson smiled.

"Ward did this?" May asks, not noticing his smile

"No actually. It was...Lily" Yoyo tells her

"He must have forced her to kill these people" May starts

"But she did it around this building, so we know where she is" Mack says

"She's smart" Coulson says

"We have to find her and now, we know where she is" May says


Lily sat in the room that Ward's men put her in. She was messing with her blanket when the door opened. Ward walked in, he smiled at her.

"You did good. No one will ever know where we are. Your parents won't know where you are" Ward tells her

Lily looked up from her blood stained hands to him. He walked over and sat next to her. He moved his hand to caress her cheek. Lily backed up and her blood started boiling.

"What's wrong, babe?" Ward asks

"A lot of things" Lily whispers

Lily looked over towards the barrel of water across from her room. She moved her hand out towards it, and the water started coming out of the barrel. The water was boiling as Ward's eyes widened.

"You're an inhuman?" Ward says

Lily smirked and launched the water at him, throwing him at the door, breaking it down. She knew he was dead, because of how hot the water was. Lily ran out of her room and ran down the hallways, hoping to find an exit. She heard alarms go off and gasped. A guard turned the corner and saw her.

The guard smirked and ran at her. Lily moved her hand out to him and hit him with the left over water. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Lily grabbed his gun from his belt and ran away. She found a door and opened it.

It was a storage room. She smiled and stayed there until she knew she was safe.

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