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Lily ran as fast as she could through the woods. She had looked back once when she heard a gunshot. Tears flowed down her face, knowing that the one person she knew was most likely gone. Lily then made it to the road. She looked over to the road. She didn't see any cars and decided to walk alongside the road.

Not too long after, an SUV showed up beside her. She turned her head and saw a woman looking at her as the van drove by. She felt a connection to the woman but didn't know why. She then felt like she needed to head back to the house. She knew she couldn't go back but she had to.


The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D arrived at Tammy's house. They got out and they all walked inside the house. May walked over to where Tammy was killed. She sighed quietly knowing that her daughter is out there on her own.

"Fitzsimmons, check the crime scene. Daisy, see if you can find anything on her phone. The rest, check the house" Coulson commanded

May didn't want to leave the spot, but knew that they would be onto her if they saw. She walked upstairs behind Coulson and memories flood back to her. Bringing Lily here when she was just a baby. The sound of the back door of the house opened, making everyone on alert. They all headed back downstairs with their guns raised.

Lily walked through the back doors, seeing the SUV she saw earlier on the curb. She grew scared not knowing why they were here. She walked into the kitchen and saw the blood from Tammy. She then heard someone cock their gun. She looked and saw a group of people.

May tensed slightly, seeing her daughter after so long. Everyone drops their guns and looks at Lily.

"Who are you?" Daisy asks

"My name is Lily. I-I lived here with Tammy" Lily tells them

"What do you mean lived?" Coulson asks

"She told me that I needed to leave. I didn't know why. Now, I do" Lily says gesturing to all the blood

"This must be a lot on you," Yoyo says

"She was like a mother to me" Lily tells her

"She wasn't your mom?" Fitz asks

"No," Lily says

"Do you have anywhere you can go?" Coulson asks

"No. This is the only home I've known" Lily tells him

"Come with us. We'll make sure you're safe" May insisted

Everyone looked at her confused. May was never one to invite someone to the base. Lily smiled a smile that made Coulson realize who she is. He knew he'll need to talk to May when they get to the base.

"We got all we need so let's go," Mack says

Everyone headed to the SUV. May held the door open for Lily. She smiled at May in thanks before sitting down. May got in and they were off. They headed to an underground garage and got out.

Lily gasped in shock at the place she was in. She's never seen anything like this before. May let out a small smile at her daughter's reaction to the place. She was happy that she liked it.

"Guys, show her around. May, a word?" Coulson asks

Lily watched as May walked away with Coulson. She wondered what was wrong. Daisy then handed Lily her bag.

"This thing's heavy. What's in it?" Daisy asks

"Not much. Clothes and my weapons" Lily tells her pulling the bag over her shoulder

"What kind of weapons?" Simmons asks

"Guns, Knives, Daggers, if I need them," Lily tells them

"Nice!" Mack says

Lily giggles as they showed her around the base. She felt like she was going to like it here.


May and Coulson walked into his office. May knew that he knew what she kept from him. Coulson closed and locked his door. He walked over to her.

"You better explain to me who this girl is. She isn't just some random girl, is she?" Coulson asks

"No," May tells him

"Who is she?" Coulson asks

"Our daughter," May tells him

Coulson's eyes widened in shock and confusion. A lot of thoughts rang through his head. May sat on the corner of his desk.

"I'm going to explain everything," May tells him

Coulson went to say something, but closed his mouth. He was still in shock and didn't know what to say.

"This was before Andrew and I had gotten together. This was after we had split. I found out I was pregnant, and I didn't know how to tell you. Then you 'died' and I had the baby. It was a girl. I named her Lily. Want to know why?" May asks

"It-It was the name that I chose when we were talking about having kids," Coulson tells her

May nodded her head. Coulson smiled at her.

"I wanted to give our child something from you, since she looks a lot like me" May tells him

"She seems so much like the both of us," Coulson says

"She is. Wouldn't be surprised if she uses combat more than weapons" May tells him

"We aren't having her on the team" Coulson tells her

"Why?" May asks

"I just found out I have a daughter and I want to make sure she is safe from all the danger in our world," Coulson tells her

"I understand, but what if she wants to join the team?" May asks

"Than she'll join. It's her decision" Coulson says

"I think we should wait to tell her everything. We just met her. We don't know how she will feel about meeting her biological parents" May tells him

"I understand," Coulson says


Lily followed the team as they showed her around the base. She saw a lot of different rooms that were different then she expected.

"Now, we'll show you where you'll be staying," Daisy tells her

Daisy lead Lily to the room where she will stay. Lily sat down on the bed as Daisy and the rest left. She yawned and soon fell asleep.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to suggest anything for the next chapter or a new story idea. I'll take anything.

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