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In a HYDRA base close to the base, the three men who killed Tammy were talking to their boss. Guy One handed his boss the picture of Lily.

"Who is this?" Boss asks

"Felix researched about this girl and turns out she is Phil Coulson's and Melinda May's daughter. Her name is Lily May-Coulson" Guy Two tells him

"Phil Coulson, ay?" Boss asks

"Yes, sir," Felix tells him

"I want you to find her and bring her here. We have much to discuss" Boss tells them smirking evilly


Lily was in the training room punching a punching bag. The team was on a mission and she was bored out of her mind. She grew tired after punching for a long time and grabbed her water bottle. Coulson then walked in, making her look up at him.

"Your back! Is everyone ok?" Lily asks

Coulson smiled at how she cared for everyone. She was like him in that way.

"Yes, everyone is alright. I would like to talk to you about something" Coulson tells her changing the subject

Lily nodded her head and closed her water bottle. She then started unwrapping her hands, as he walked over to her.

"How would you like to join the team?" Coulson asks

Lily's eyes widened in excitement. Coulson knew by that expression alone that she wanted to.

"We have a mission in Shanghai, China. We would like you to come and work for the team. This is a test to see how you would work on the team" Coulson tells her

"Ok," Lily says

"Pack your weapons. May told me about that. Do you speak Chinese?" Coulson asks

"Yes," Lily tells him

"We'll need that as well," Coulson tells her


The team was getting prepared for the mission as Lily walked onto the BUS. Everyone, minus May and Coulson, looked at her confused. Mack and Yoyo walked over to them.

"Is she coming with us?" Yoyo asks

"Yes. I'm having her possibly join the team" Coulson tells them

"Isn't she a little too young to join?" Mack asks

"Fitzsimmons was 17-18 years old when they began to join cases with us. Lily is 20 years old. She'll be fine" Coulson defends Lily

"Besides, Lily has more training than we thought. She uses her own weapons and is amazing at combat" May defends her as well

Coulson and May walked around them and towards Lily. Mack and Yoyo then saw how much Lily looked and acted like the couple. They then connected the pieces and knew what was going on.

"Lily is their daughter" Mack whispers to Yoyo


Lily placed her weapon bag next to her and began playing with one of her daggers. Coulson and May walked over and sat down with her.

"You said you made them, right?" May asked

"Yeah," Lily says

"How old were you when you started?" Coulson asks

"I'm 20, so when I was 19," Lily tells them

"May I?" May asks gesturing to the dagger

Lily smiled and handed it to her. May took it and ran her fingers over the blade and handle. It was a little heavy, but not too much.

"This is amazing!" May tells her

"This is amazing!" May tells her

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Thank you," Lily says

"We're about to land. You going to be ok?" Coulson asks

Lily nodded her head as they stood up. She took the dagger back from May and placed it back where it was. Coulson and May left, leaving her alone.


The BUS landed and everyone got off. They made sure it was cloaked before getting off. Lily had stashed her weapons around her body in places that anyone wouldn't or would think of. Coulson got off and looked to the team.

"Alright. Everyone split up. When you find Wang, call" Coulson tells everyone

They were looking for a man that goes by the name, Wang. He was a villain of HYDRA and wants to take out people here. What the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D didn't know, was that he was there to drown out the team and grab Lily. Lily went to walk away with Fitzsimmons when Coulson grabbed her arm. He dragged her back over to himself and May.

"Stay with us for missions. You're still new and I don't want anything bad to happen to you" Coulson tells her

Lily nodded and followed them. They walked around with sunglasses trying to find Wang.

"Let us know if you see him," May tells Lily

Lily looks around and then sees a man. She tapped both of their shoulders and pointed to him. Coulson and May saw him as well and Coulson contacted everyone through comms.

"We found Wang" Coulson whispers into the comms

"We're heading your way," Mack tells him

May grabbed Lily's hand and held it as they walked over to him. Wang looked over at them and saw the girl that his boss wanted.

"Wang, we need you to come with us" Coulson tells him

Wang nodded his head, making the three confused as to why he gave up so easily. Coulson tied his hands up and dragged him to the BUS.

"Everyone we're on the BUS" May says in comms

"Do you have him?" Daisy asks

"Yes" May tells her


The team all headed to an interrogation room and put Wang there. Coulson looked to May and Lily.

"I want the both of you to interrogate him" Coulson tells them

Lily looked at May with fear written on her face. May grabbed her hand and looked at her.

"Don't worry. I will be by your side the whole time. He can't touch you" May comforts her

May and Lily walked into the room and Wang looks at them. He kept his eyes on Lily the whole time. His boss will do whatever it takes to get the girl.

"Do you know why we brought you here?" May asks

Wang looked at May for a split second, then looked back at Lily. May noticed and began to try to make him look away from her.

"No" Wang tells her

"You and your team have been killing people of S.H.I.E.L.D. Why?" May asks

"My boss. He's been trying to find a girl. Someone he's been wanting to have in his possession for a little while now. We hear she is apart of S.H.I.E.L.D and is 20 years old" Wang tells her winking at Lily

"Get Lily out of there!" Coulson tells May

May rushes to stand up with Lily. May grabs her and brings her out of the room, not before shooting Wang a glare.

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