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  Lily was brought out of the interrogation room by May and passed her to Coulson. Coulson grabbed Lily and dragged her away from everyone. He headed towards one of the protection rooms. He opened the door and walked in with her.

"Listen to me. I know this isn't what you expected to happen on your first mission, but know that we will help and protect you. We won't let whoever wants you to touch you. Understand?" Coulson says

  Lily nodded her head a little bit. Coulson walked over to her and kissed her head. She blushed a bit as he walked out of the room. She laid down trying to figure out what she could do.


  Coulson walked back towards the team to see them talking about Lily. He stood beside May and listened to the conversation.

"Who wants Lily?" Simmons asks

"Not sure, but whoever it is, wants her for something evil" Coulson tells them

  They looked at him. They realized that Lily wasn't with him.

"How will we protect her?" Fitz asks

"We just need to keep a look out for anything or anyone suspicious" Coulson tells them

"We should all split up and watch our surroundings" Yoyo suggests

"Fitzsimmons, Mack, Daisy, and Yoyo, and May and I" Coulson says

  Fitzsimmons headed South, Mack, Yoyo, and Daisy headed East, and Coulson and May headed West. Coulson and May walked down the hallway.

"Who could possibly know who Lily is? She has nothing to really do with S.H.I.E.L.D, yet" May asks

"No clue. I'm beginning to think they are targeting someone else on the team" Coulson tells her

"Us?" May asks

"Me" Coulson says


  Lily was sitting in her pod, waiting for her to be able to come out. She sat there doing anything she possibly could to not be bored. The lights then started flashing as an alarm went off. She stood up and looked around confused. Then she felt a rag over her face and all she saw was black.


  The team met back in the middle of the base.

"Anything?" Coulson asks

"Nothing" Simmons says

"Nothing suspicious at all" Daisy says

  Then an alarm went off and lights started blinking. Everyone looked at each other in fear.

"Lily" Simmons says

  May and Coulson looked at each other, and ran towards the pods. The team followed close behind, worried about their friend. They get to the pod she was in and found Lily gone.

"Oh my gosh!" Yoyo says

"Quick! Check the cameras!" Fitz says

  Fitzsimmons and the team headed to the camera room. They get there and Fitz began typing away to find the camera feed for Lily's pod. He finishes and the camera feed showed up on a big screen so they can see.

  It showed Lily minding her own business. Then a hole was cut through the roof of the pod, and a man fell down quietly behind her. Lily didn't see him as a rag covered her face making her unconscious. Another man than came down and picked her up as they made their escape.

"Those bastards" May mutters

"Can you get the names of those men?" Coulson asks trying to hide his anger

"I'll try" Fitz tells him

"Don't try, do!" Coulson snips

  Coulson stormed out of the room. May ran to catch up to him. She grabbed his shoulder making him look at her.

"Calm down" May tells him

"Calm down?! Our daughter was just kidnapped by someone who wants something from me!" Coulson tells her

"Yes, but none of this yelling is going to help find her" May tells him

  Coulson realized she was right. Arguing isn't going to save their daughter. He sighed and brought his hand to his face. May pulled him into a hug, hoping he will be more relaxed afterwards. He moved his head into the crook of her neck and held her tight. He hopes that they'll save her in time.


  In a basement of a building, Lily was tied to a chair. She was unconscious and not moving. Her arms and legs were tied to the arms and bottom of the chair. Boss walked into the room with one of his men.

  Boss was a man who knew Coulson, Boss was a villain and Coulson had to take him down. Instead of it being him, it was his son. Coulson killed his son and Boss has been looking for someone to take revenge on Coulson. He found it.

  The man stood beside him, held a bucket full of hot water. Boss nodded at him, making him pour the bucket over her body. Lily gasped and woke up, realizing she couldn't move.

"Hello, Lily May-Coulson" Boss says to her

  Lily looked around her and then looked at him. Her eyebrows frowned hearing him say, what she thinks is, her actual last name. She tries to get herself out of the chair.

"No need to be scared, you'll do everything we say" Boss tells her

"What if I don't?" Lily asks confidently

"Then you will die, in that chair" Boss tells her

  Lily looked down at the chair she was tied to. She was feeling very uncomfortable in it. The man walked over with a needle in hand. Lily tried to fight out of the chair again to get away. She hates needles and anything in it. The man grabs her by the neck and inserts the needle into her temple.

  Lily shook from the effect of what was in the needle. She was scared and didn't know what was going on. She then began to think about the name he said to her. Lily May-Coulson.

Is she Melinda May and Phil Coulson's daughter?

Why didn't they tell her?

What happened?

What will happen if they don't arrive in time?

Will the team help her as well?

Will she even make it out alive?

  Then all Lily saw was black. She had gone unconscious and Boss watched as she fell limp. Boss then nodded to his men to drag her away.

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