Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Merlin's blue eyes stared back at him in the mirror. His hair had grown a little and his gaze looked deeper, more serious like he had seen even more dark parts of the life. Luckily, there weren't many bruises covering his face. The only one was under his left eye. Of course, his body was a whole different story with huge bruises under his clothes. Some of them were starting to turn blue and purple making them even more noticeable.

A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. After Merlin called to come in, his manservant - from the time he had lived in Airasan - opened the door and stepped in. Milo took one look at Merlin and immediately sank to his knees in a deep bow.

This was the first time in a long time when someone saw Merlin wearing Airasan's royal clothing. His tunic was black with tiny, silvery details on the hem and the weight of his dark blue cloak was pressing on his shoulders. His sword was sheeted on his belt which had been made to look even more beautiful with silvery stitches.

The prince walked up to Milo and taking a hold of his manservant's hands, Merlin pulled him back to his feet.

"My lord, I can't express how grateful I am to have you as my prince. And soon as my king. I know you'll be the greatest king of all times," said Milo, looking straight at Merlin's eyes with a steady gaze.

His certainty warmed Merlin's heart. For a long time, Merlin had doubted himself. He hadn't felt ready to take his role as a prince. But after getting their kingdom back and defeating Keane and Morgana, he had gained more trust in himself. Also, it helped to know that he could always ask for advice from his friends.

"And I am grateful that you are my friend," Merlin's words made Milo smile. "And you know you don't have to call me 'my lord'."

"I know but sometimes I can't help it", he said still smiling. "Are you ready to go?"

Merlin sighed. This was the big moment. He was going to be crowned as the king of Airasan. It had been only a couple of days since the day when Keane and Morgana had died. The days had gone by like a lightning, filled with work. Because Keane had never taken any actual care of the kingdom, they were now pounded to sort out the financial affairs and help the citizens to overcome their obstacles. They also had to hold many trials for the traitors of Airasan. One of them being Andrew who had still blamed Keane of his actions but eventually he was sentenced to die by hanging.

And now, even though the kingdom still needed recovery time, they had felt that it was the time to crown the new king. It would encourage the citizens and help the kingdom to feel free of Keane's terror.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Merlin said.

Merlin led them to the corridor and together they continued towards the throne room.

When they came down the stairs, they met with some familiar faces. Merlin hadn't seen them since the day he had been held in one of the filthy cells.

Tom and one of the women who had accompanied him in their cell were walking towards them. They looked far better compared to the state they had previously been in. They had cleaned themselves and gotten a fresh pair of clothes. And the bright smiles on their faces revealed their happiness.

They bowed deeply before Merlin had time to stop them.

"It's good to see you, my friends," Merlin said with a warm smile.

This was one of the advantages of being a prince. He got to help people. Even though, the help meant correcting Keane's false convictions.

"We're forever grateful for your actions and we shall return the help by helping you whenever you need us," the woman said.

"Yes, I can't express how thankful I am. You, my lord, gave our lives back," Tom continued.

Merlin nodded acknowledging their thanks. He still wasn't used to the way people in Airasan treated him. In his childhood, they had also treated him with respect but now the respect in their words and manners was mixed with awe and affection. Everyone wanted to talk with him or at least show reverence by bowing.

After saying their goodbyes, Merlin continued his walk with Milo.

Now was the time to take the responsibility that belonged to him.

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