Chapter Sixteen

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Merlin was dragged through the halls. Rough hands on both sides of him were holding him up from arms. They pulled him so fast, he stumbled constantly.

The giant with the long brown beard was strutting in front of them. After, announcing they would go to see the king, he had tossed Milo for other knights who were currently behind Merlin, dragging Milo. The rest of the servants were left behind in the laundry room.

The walk wasn't long until they reached big doors. The giant opened them, revealing a spacious room with many windows on its left side. At the end of the room was a throne. And a man was sitting on it.

The black-haired man rose from his seat, after seeing the group entering. A wide grin spread on his face while he hungrily stared at his younger brother.

The knights holding Merlin dropped him in front of the king. They stayed behind him like waiting for Merlin's escape attempt or something. Right now it was very unlikely for Merlin to try to do anything. He couldn't think of any plan. This was going to be his end. His brother wouldn't wait to get him out of the way and now was the perfect time for that. Merlin just wished the last thing he saw wouldn't be Keane's face.

He heard Milo's heavy breathing somewhere on his left side. It was his fault that Milo was going to die too. If Milo hadn't come to rescue him, Merlin would still be in the same position but Milo could be free.

The king Keane walked closer to Merlin, who was looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Well, what a nice reunion," Keane said with amusement. A evil smile was plastered on his face.

Merlin stayed quiet.

"You don't have anything to say, dear brother?"

Oh, Merlin had a lot of things to say but he had learned a long time ago that talking to Keane was useless. He didn't listen to anyone's ideas. The only thing he cared about was his own opinion.

"And who we have here?" He said after switching his interest to Milo.

Merlin turned his head to see him. Milo looked exhausted. His eyes were fearfully watching the king, while he neared.

"He tried to help this bastard," the giant growled pointing to Merlin. "Maybe he was also the one who helped him to get out of the cell."

Keane's eyes gleamed. He clenched his fist and spoke through gritted teeth.

"Merlin," he walked in front of him again. "Did he help you?" His question seemed calm but Merlin could sense the anger behind his words. One of Keane's traits was that he would appear to be calm and happy but the next second he could be yelling apoplectic.

When they were kids, Keane's changing moods had been the reason why Merlin had been afraid of him. Now things were different and he wasn't going to break down in front of him.

"No," he said as convincingly as he could.

The king smiled his evil grin. "Is that right? Then you won't mind if we kill him?" He said and nodded to the giant, who immediately left towards Milo.

Merlin didn't doubt the giant's willingness to follow Keane's rules. He was even smiling while nearing the frightened servant. And because Merlin was unable to fight them in shackles, there was only one option.

"Fine," Merlin said hastily before the giant had a grip on Milo. "Fine, he helped me but don't punish him," Merlin didn't want to sound like he was begging so he tried to keep his tone neutral.

The giant stopped in his tracks and looked at Keane.

"Lie to me again and I will," Keane slowly threatened. His eyes poured into Merlin. But after a second, a fake smile appeared on his lips. This was just a game for Keane.

"Just kill me and let him go!" Merlin raised his voice. His heart was pounding out of his chest and he was tired of his brother's fake smiles. If they were going to kill him, they should get on with it. "Or are you suddenly incapable to kill me? I doubt that you just want to recall our happy childhood," Merlin continued. "I mean, I don't know about you but I don't remember any happy memories between us!"

He stared at Keane's merciless eyes. The fake smile had finally faded. From the corner of the eye, Merlin saw how Milo had frozen in his place and his eyes were wide open. Maybe Merlin shouldn't encourage them to kill him. But he didn't saw a way out of this one. Maybe Milo could still see hope but Merlin didn't.

The only thing he hoped was that Arthur and James would beat Keane and his army. After that James would make a good king with all the knights standing by him. And the citizens would love him.

Arthur would be better of without him. Finally, he could have the proper manservant he has always hoped for.

"Sorry to disappoint you but you're not going to die... just yet," Keane said rubbing his hand together. "Let's see how fast your friends run into my trap when they hear how sweetly we treat you."

And Merlin's stomach dropped.

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